Categories: Romans, Word of SalvationPublished On: July 18, 2023
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Word of Salvation – Vol. 30 No. 37 – Oct 1985


The Gospel


Sermon by Rev. B.G. Aldridge on Romans 1:1-7

Scripture Readings: O.T. Isaiah 42:1-9 / N.T. Romans 1:1-7

Hymns: BoW.H13; BoW.H804; P.H.413; 412


The gospel – the gospel – the gospel – everyone talks about the gospel but does everyone know what the gospel is?  Let me ask a question:
            If I say “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ!”
Am I preaching the gospel?  Yes or no?

The answer of course is: NO!

You may be surprised at this, but it is true.

The Gospel we preach is not: Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.  If you hold that this is the Gospel, then you are not Reformed.  The problem is this: Believe in the Lord Jesus! – is what we do.  The Gospel is never what we do but what God does.

What is the Gospel?

What is it that Paul preached?

What is it that is central to true reformational life, faith and experience?

Let us look at Paul:

            ABOUT THE GOSPEL:

In his letter to Romans, Paul tells them what he is on about, what is the message that he brings.  So he talks about the Gospel.

READ 1:1-2.

It is first and foremost “from God”.  God is the author.  It is not a human invention.  It did not start in the mind of some prophet or guru.  Paul says: to the Greeks it is “foolishness”.  To the Jews the Gospel is a ‘stumbling block’.  But it is a power to all who believe.  It is a real relief for us as we present the gospel to non-Christians Often we are so anxious for people to believe that we do not tell it like it is.  We water it down to make it believable.  But as God is the author so He is responsible for it.  He will see to it that people believe.

It is not something new.

Let me ask: “Can you find the gospel in the Old Testament?”  Of course!

God spoke of the gospel through prophets in the Old Testament.  The gospel is not a sudden invention of God to deal with sin.  What a shock the devil must have received when he realized what God’s response to man’s rebellion was!!.  The gospel did not arrive with the birth of Christ because “Christ is the Lamb of God, slain from before the foundation of the world.”

Because of this we can have confidence in the Lord our God.  God has been working in the Gospel right from the beginning and He will complete His work right up to the end.  Someone has said: The past brings guilt and the future causes worry.  But in the gospel God deal with our past, present and future.  Sometimes we get very frightened about what will happen in the future.  Will the world be destroyed by nuclear war?  If persecution comes, will we be able to stand up for Christ?  Because it is God’s work, the Gospel cannot fail.  So Paul says: “I am confident of this, that he who has begun a good work in you will carry it to completion until the day of Jesus Christ”.  Philippians 1: 6.

God’s plan to deal with evil, injustice, war and human sin is the Gospel.  It has been so from before creation, is now and always will be.  The Gospel shall not fail.


What is that Gospel?

Who is the Good News?

Jesus Christ is the gospel.

READ 1:1, 3-4

Gospel is not about man and his needs, but about Jesus Christ.

You see: the gospel is not about what we do – like believing.
                the gospel is not about what we want
                the gospel actually has nothing to do with us.

The gospel is Christ:

            Everything we do is imperfect
            Our belief is imperfect
            Our good works are imperfect
            Our repentance is imperfect
            Only Christ is perfect – Only Christ can be the gospel.

Gospel is an historical person: Jesus, the son of David.

The gospel is not     – an idea
                                    – not a philosophy
                                    – not an ideology
                                    – not a law
                                    – not a doctrine

The Gospel is a person: Jesus of Nazareth who appeared at a definite time in history.

This truth is terribly important?  Why?

First it shows that God has not abandoned us.
  God has not thrown us on the scrap heap.

I suppose all of you have had the experience of helping someone, lending them money, supporting them and it has all come to nothing.  The person continues to be as hopeless and irresponsible as ever.  In the end you say: What’s the use of helping this person any longer?

The fact that the Gospel is Jesus of Nazareth, a person who appeared in history, proves that God did not do that to us.

Although we deserve it, God did not abandon us to our fate.

He sent Christ as a member of the human race.
            – a person like us,
            – a person who was hungry
            – a person who grew tired
            – a person who could be angry

The gospel proves that God has not abandoned the human race.  God does have a future for us.

Secondly, the fact that the gospel is genuine historical person helps us to believe.  How often are you tempted to wonder if it is all true?
            We feel down
            feel upset
            shout at the kids
            feel guilty and rotten
            see Christians act towards each other as though they were heathens.

God’s answer is the Gospel.  Jesus really did live.
            – Really did die.
            – There really is eternal life.
            – There really is a forgiveness of sins.
How do you know?  Not because I can point to people but because I can point to a definite time and place and person who made it all happen.  Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Gosepl is a powerful divine person: Jesus the Son of God.

The Gospel is also a divine person: Jesus the Son of God.

To be simply a man was not enough.  Jesus the man is also Christ who is God.

So the Gospel is the God/man Jesus Christ.
            As the perfect man he took our place,
            He defeated the devil
            He overcame sin
As God he shows us who God is.
            he reveals God’s will to us
            he brings us to God
            he was raised from the dead.

So, the Gospel is Jesus, the God/man who died on the cross,
            rose from the dead
                        and lives forever at the right hand of God.

The Gospel is not simply a historical relic, something that happened in the past and now we can forget it.  The Gospel is Jesus at the right hand of God and he is there now, at this moment.  The gospel is as contemporary as today’s news.  It’s all happening now at the right hand of God.

We must reject the idea that the Gospel is something we leave behind when we believe and now we can go on to bigger and better things.  Jesus Christ who is the Gospel forgives me now.
            Jesus gives me strength to overcome sin now.
            The Gospel is the power of God so that I can believe now.
            Jesus saves me now.

Gospel is Jesus Christ who is Lord.

The Gospel is Jesus Christ, the God/man who is Lord of Heaven and earth.

The Lord Jesus said:
            “All authority is given to me in heaven and on earth”. Matt.28:18.

What does it mean that Jesus is Lord?

Lordship means absolute ownership.
            Jesus is not only creator of heaven and earth, but also its owner.
            It belongs to Jesus.  And so do we.

Paul says “We are bought with a price”.
            We are not our own to do as we like
                        but we belong to Christ to do as He wants.

– Lordship means absolute Deity.  Jesus is God.
– Lord and God are the same.
– Lordship means absolute loyalty.
            Jesus is King and so demands and deserves our absolute loyalty.

            Jesus does not say, discuss me, but, follow me.
            We do not make terms with Christ, we surrender to him.
            We do not make agreements with Christ, we submit to him.
            We do not make bargains with Christ, we follow him.

People often ask: What is Christianity?

There is only one answer:
            Christianity is Christ;
            Christ is the Gospel.

Gospel is not good advice – Gospel is good news

Gospel is not an idea – Gospel is a person – Jesus

Gospel is not an ideology – Gospel is an event:
                        the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

Gospel is not a system of doctrine
            (though all our doctrine must be based on the Gospel).

Gospel is not a philosophy
            (though all our philosophy must flow from the gospel).

Gospel is not an experience
            (though all who believe the Gospel enjoy a wonderful experience).

The Gospel is our Lord Jesus Christ.


Because Gospel is Jesus as Lord there are only two possible responses:

            To reject Him or to believe and submit to Him.

Who is Jesus Christ to you?

Do you acknowledge him as Lord?

Have you submitted to Him?

Have you cried “Lord be merciful to me a sinner?”