Categories: Revelation, Word of SalvationPublished On: July 10, 2023
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Word of Salvation – Vol. 31 No. 33 – Sep 1986


The Danger Of Losing One’s First Love


Sermon by Rev. N. Teekens on Revelation 2:1-7

Reading: 1Corinthians 13:1-7; Revelation 2:1-7

Singing: Ps.H. 170; 411:1,2,3; 437; 452


Beloved Congregation,


Ephesus was a city of great importance, commercially as well as politically and religiously.

It lay on the west coast of Asia Minor.  Three roads met in it.  These roads carried trade, and so news was always being received and sent out of the city by these routes, as well as via the ships that came into its harbour.  Ephesus was a Roman city, but was allowed to govern itself.  It was a Free City, and surrounding areas came under its jurisdiction.  It was the centre of the great Pan Ionian Games, which were a parallel to the Olympic Games.

Above all, Ephesus was a religious city.  That is, religious in the wrong sense.  In Ephesus stood the great Temple of Artemis, better known to us as DIANA.  So great was the dedication to this goddess of fertility, that no article was allowed to bear any name other than that of Diana.  A great and impressive Temple had been built to her praise; its roof was supported by 127 pillars of marble, each pillar being a gift from a king or nobleman.  Within the Temple, thousands of female priests served; they were called the Melissae, which translated means: “the bees”.  At the Temple, Charm Letters could be obtained, guaranteeing safe trips abroad, guaranteeing parenthood and being a remedy for a multitude of illnesses.

In THIS city stood a Christian Church.


Jesus addresses this Letter to the “angel” of the Church.

That would stand for the Minister.  Not that they are always adequately described as ‘angels’, but rather referring to their task as guardians of the congregation.

Were we to check the Yearbook of the Christian Church of Ephesus, we would be impressed with its former Ministers.  Paul and Apollos had preached there, as well as Timothy and Titus, and the Apostle John.  Also Aquila and Priscilla lived there.

The Ephesian Church is commended for its supervision of its preaching, and its church discipline.  And when we add that undoubtedly the sacraments were administered in the proper way, we find we have here a true Christian Church.  We would not doubt that we could become its members without hesitation.  And yet… there is something seriously… crucially wrong in this Church.

But first, Jesus writes to them in such a way that clearly shows that HE KNOWS what goes on in that Ephesian congregation.  He commends them for their good points before He sounds His serious warning.


Jesus is described as the One who holds “the seven stars in His right hand,” and that He “walks among the seven golden lampstands”.  The meaning of this symbolism is found in the previous Chapter, verse 20.  There we read:

“The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and the seven golden lamp stands is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven Churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven Churches.”

The meaning of this is very important, congregation of our Lord.  It means that JESUS KNOW HIS CHURCHES, as He walks among them, and He knows what goes on among us.  Now that may be very pleasing, or that may be quite alarming.  But let us be reminded that Jesus is scrutinizing the Churches and that He takes a keen interest in the activities, and the strengths and the weaknesses of our congregation.

Furthermore, Jesus describes the Church as STARS and GOLDEN LAMPSTANDS.  Why Jesus does this is clear, is it not?  Jesus LOVES the Church, its people, young and old.  To Him we are PRECIOUS, and the golden lampstand makes this very clear.  Both the stars and the lampstand are to give off LIGHT, for that is the purpose of our Church.  We are a light in a dark world.


“I know your deeds;

  I know your hard work;

  I know your perseverance…!”

Take heart, Session members; your many evenings away making visits are known by the Lord.  Take heart, Cadet and Calvinette leaders, and take heart, Cadets and Calvinettes, Jesus knows you are doing His work and that at your meetings you praise His Name in all your activities.  Take heart, Sunday School Teachers and VBS leaders: whilst others are still asleep or preparing for Church, and you are already up teaching the Class, and when you give up your spare time for Lesson preparation, Jesus knows your deeds and hard work.

Be encouraged, workers within this Church, to continue in your work!  Even though Session or members or parents forget to say a word of ‘thanks’ to you, JESUS KNOWS!  Stick to it, and be encouraged to do your work even better, for Jesus is looking on!


Jesus also knows those areas of Church-life which are difficult and which take up so much valuable time at Session meetings: when wicked men are uncovered and exposed as being un-godly.  When after long and careful examination some men are found to actually be enemies of the Kingdom of Christ.  When men are told: you had better immediately change your ways and repent… or leave.

Yes, hidden in verse 2 are all the joys and the tears of Church membership.


Verse 3 also implies some form of persecution.  In the days of John, there were Trade Guilds connected to many professions.  At least once per year, each Trade Guild would hold a Banquet, and it was compulsory not only to attend such a meeting, but also to participate in the religious ceremony of offering food to idols and afterwards eating that dedicated food.  It is not hard to figure out that many Christian tradesmen in Ephesus had trouble to do this, and found themselves black-listed because they worshipped the One and only true God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

But… they persevered in their faith,
  they endured hardships for Jesus’ sake,
    and they had not grown weary!


Verse 6 also introduces the Nicolaitans to us.  Their name also reappears in Chapter 2 verse 15. It seems that the Nicolaitans gave in to the practices of eating food offered to idols, as well as allowing other immoral practices of the time to go unchallenged. They would seem to compromise the demands of the Gospel, and thus water down the Christian Gospel’s moral demands. These liberties the Ephesians strongly opposed, and the Lord commends them for it.


In five out of the seven Letters, there is mention of some inadequacy existing within each congregation, something which needs urgent attention before it is too late.

In the Ephesus Church it is their first love which was lost; in Pergamum it was sins relating to foods and sexual immorality; in Thyatira it was the same as with the preceding Church; the Sardis Church is dead whilst it thinks it is alive, and Laodicea’s congregation is unaware that it is sickening the Lord by its lukewarmness.

What, I wonder, would Jesus’ letter to OUR CONGREGATION SAY about us?  In which areas would He urgently alarm us to shortcomings?  And what would Jesus say OUR strengths are?  In which matters would He commend us as being His faithful congregation in our Ephesus or for that matter, in our Babylon?

Undoubtedly, the Churches which are reprimanded were not clearly aware of their failures nor of the real peril in which they lived.  Perhaps their weak points had appeared on their Session’s Agenda as “deferred matters” for quite a few meetings already!


The Ephesians, though making a good impression if they were to have Church Visitors, for they reflect the three marks of the True Church, lacked one thing.

They had faith; they had hope.  But they had no love.  And if we have not love, we are nothing.  The greatest is love.  They had lost their FIRST LOVE.

Perhaps the words of one of our Hymns is relevant here:
            Where is the blessedness I knew
            When I first sought the Lord?
            Where is the soul-refreshing view
            Of Jesus and His Word?
            What peaceful hours I once enjoyed!
            How sweet their memory still!
            But they have left an aching void
            the world can never fill.
(P.H. Hymn 453:2,3)

Ah, yes, that first love…!  The heights from which we can fall…!

We see it in marriages.

When the girl-friend was our princess, for whom we bought flowers and perfume, for whom we opened the car door and held the umbrella.

The first love full of romance, which now perhaps has cooled down.  Those wedding anniversaries, once remembered with dining out, but now even a card or flowers is nearly forgotten.  Yes, in our marriages our first love can cool down.

Remember our first love for the Lord, in those precious times when we were preparing for Public Profession Of Faith.  When the minister hardly had to remind us that going to Church twice is the normal and healthy response to the Lord’s blessings in Jesus Christ.

That first love was a climate in which we lived.  It was a joyful doing things for and with the Lord.  That love was constantly amazed that Jesus should care for me so much that He gave His life for me on the cross and promised me a life that never ends.

That first love…!

When this congregation first started off,
   coming to Church in the back of the ‘ute,
     but now that we have limousines we come once only.

The first love when we were fighting to make a living,
   and long evening hours with a second job just made ends meet;
    and now we are well established,
   and all things regarded before as supernatural and from the Lord,
     are now normal and natural.

Love for the Lord,
            with its INTENSITY gone,
            with its AMAZEMENT lost,
            with its THRILL… dead.


There is a remedy which Jesus offers.

It is simple obedience.

Yes, the beginning of many personal and congregational improvements simply start with OBEDIENCE.
            Repent and do the things you did at first.
            You KNOW what those things are.
            You heard it already earlier in this service.
            You hear it every Sunday!
            Now go to it… do something about it!
            See that there is no greater joy on earth,
                        than the joy of walking OBEDIENCE to the Lord’s will!


Jesus includes a clear and most serious warning to those who go home after this service with their theme-song: “WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED!”

Jesus’ warning is this: He shall remove His lampstand from your life, and from your congregation.  It is not your CONFESSION in words that determines what you are, but your ACTIONS following this sermon.  It is up to you.

We are free moral beings in whom the Holy Spirit is pleased to dwell.  But we have the power to say “NO” to His prompting.  We are not robots in the Lord’s hands.  We are not puppets for whom the Lord pulls the strings.  We have a choice, and an obligation.


Of course we have an ear.  Two, in fact, making it stereo reception!  But the ear referred to is the spiritual ear, the sensitivity to personally conclude: the Lord says this to ME.

And IF you hear with your heart, and hear obediently, there is a tremendous blessing awaiting you.  It is this:
            “To him who overcomes, I will give the RIGHT
              to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.”

That tree is also mentioned in Revelation 22.  It is accessible only to the faithful who have indeed “overcome” their sins and shortcomings; whose faith in Jesus Christ is dynamic and alive, in spite of every temptation to deny Him.

            Hear… Overcome… and heaven is yours.

What a promise to motivate us to a new dedication to the Lord.  What a prospect to move with LOVE towards each other, and to live as Christ did, washing the feet of the brothers, even of the Judas whom we by nature find hard to love.

And with this Hymn, make this your vow: (P.H. Hymn 437:2)
            “Once earthly joy I craved,
             sought peace and rest;
             NOW… THEE ALONE I SEEK;
             give what is best.
             This all my prayer shall be:
             MORE LOVE, O CHRIST, TO THEE!

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.