Word of Salvation – Vol.23 No.32 – May 1977
The Devil Knows His Time Is Short
Sermon by Rev. J. Vanderbom on Isaiah 28:16c & Revelation 12:12b
Scripture Readings: Isaiah 28:1-18; Revelation 12
Psalter Hymnal: 219:1,2,3,4; 290:2,5; 84:1,2,5; 70:3; 444:3; 192:1
Brothers and sisters in our Lord,
The Church in the twentieth century ought to know in which times we are living. We must learn to understand the signs of the times. That’s why someone has suggested that we should preach from the prophets more often.
Doesn’t most of the Bible consist of prophecies?
There can be no doubt about this: prophecy has a very important place in God’s revelation.
Yet we should start off with one statement: the task and function of God’s prophets was never, in the first place, to predict. They were not sent to God’s people with a calendar of the future. Prophecy, true prophecy goes much deeper than that!
Prophets do not foretell. Even less are they fortune tellers. They had to tell forth that is; to declare and proclaim the will, claims and purposes of the Lord God of Israel.
He spoke His Word to the prophets, who were the servants of His covenant, so that His people would not wander away but know the way of the Lord. And they must also know that the God of Israel alone is God, the Creator and Ruler of all the earth.
God’s prophets were God’s preachers, and prophecy gave guidance, direction to God’s people through all ages.
So we are here in church today, as we are here every Sunday, with the prayer in our hearts: Lord, speak Thy Word to us!
* * * * *
Today we listen to two prophecies, one from the New Testament, one from the Old. They are taken from the passages which we have read earlier in the service:
Revelation 12:12b: But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short.
Isaiah 28:16c: He who believes will not be in haste.
Both words are a good illustration of what was just said: prophecy doesn’t predict. Both Bible words give guidance in the first place.
We shall begin with Revelation 12, that famous chapter, which opens with the vision of the woman who brought forth her male child. We could say that Revelation 12 in its own way tells the Christmas story. But then it sets the birth of the Christ child in world perspective.
There is a woman who has been in travail all through the ages. She has been in terrible pain, until she could give birth to her Son, Who really is the Seed of the woman, the Man Who was born to be King.
Yet after his birth it soon shows that there is no room for such a King here. Immediately after the birth of the male-child, the seed of the serpent, the dragon, stands ready to devour the woman’s seed.
However, this couldn’t be the end. The end must tell of a great victory. After terrible sufferings, the seed of the woman has conquered. He was taken up and now he is seated on the throne with God.
Then follows the fight of Michael and his angels. After the Son’s victory the devil’s position has become intolerable. The dragon is defeated. He is banished from God’s presence. He has no say any more, in heaven like he had, for instance, in Job’s case. He is lost, as far as heaven is concerned. So far, the story is full of consolation.
However, then follows our text.
The picture of our text gives little consolation. At first sight, it looks only very dark and grim here: ‘Woe to you, o earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short.’
* * * * *
Have you noticed the difference?
The church in heaven is celebrating the victory. There they have seen Jesus, and He is honoured as conqueror.
But the church on earth is still in trouble. It is even getting worse, my brother. You know that: all the time it is getting worse here. You see, the devil could not defeat the Christ child. When Jesus was on earth there was nothing in Him on which the prince of darkness could lay his hand. In every temptation He could stand up, He was blameless in all He did. The devil, the accuser of the brethren, could do nothing against Him. But now he seems to have an easy job. Since Jesus has gone, he finds a very easy prey for his accusing finger! It’s easy for him to make trouble for the church. Now we know of course that Jesus Christ has conquered. We know that He won a victory not for Himself but for all the ones who are his, the believers. This means: it is impossible for the devil to destroy the church. The gates of hell cannot and will not prevail. Jesus Christ has won the battle, and He rules here on earth in the midst of his enemies!
Yet it says: ‘Woe to those who are on earth now……!’
You see, the devil realizes very well that he cannot win. He is lost. Yet this very idea makes him all the more furious. As a roaring lion he goes round against the remnant of God’s people, seeking ones to devour. And he is in a hurry. He knows that his time is short,
* * * * *
This word is a revelation.
It takes the veil off the situation of our present world. It explains why it is so horrible on earth. It tells us what you and I are up against. ‘Woe to those who dwell on the earth. For the devil has come down in great wrath. He knows that his time is short.’ The devil has haste. Yes, he knows that he is lost. But that makes him ferocious.
Those who remember the last world war, and in particular the end of the war, the last winter in Western Europe, will understand this meaning. Cruelties became worst when the end of the war was in sight. The enemy was running out his time. D-Day was past. The day of decision had only spelled defeat for him. Yet the worst cruelties began between D-day and V-day. The enemy was not prepared to admit his defeat. He came down in great wrath. He knew that the time was short,
So the devil is in his last days. And we are living in the last days of the war. Christians have sleepless nights. The enemy is still here. Who is that prince of the world, who dares deny, and resist, and hate, and oppose, and ignore the rights and claims of Him, who is the Lover of our souls? Your children may go to a Christian school, where they are told (praise God for it!) that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that He has the victory. Yet when they grow up they will discover that our world is still possessed by the powers of the many devils.
What a terrible thought! Parents have sleepless nights. And Jesus has told us that the days will be shortened. No human being would be saved if those days would not be shortened.
* * * * *
Yet there is also consolation and comfort in this terrible word. ‘He knows that his time is short…!’ Brothers and sisters, this word of prophecy was given to the church to let you know what you are up against! You know what you can expect!
Sometimes we wonder. We can be so puzzled and terribly upset. When looking at the corruption and all the immorality in our present world, we say: it cannot be worse. We cannot see that things are subject to our Risen Lord. On the contrary, with the soul under the altar (Revelation 6) we cry: How long, O righteous Judge…….?
Yet here is the answer. A voice from heaven says: Be patient! He knows that his time is short!
For us, who sometimes in one day hear so many terrible things, wars, rumours of wars, earthquakes, and love decreasing, love of Christian Churches growing cold it sometimes looks like one day lasts as long as a thousand years…. so many things do happen today.
But the Bible says: the limit is nearly there. The devil knows. For God a thousand years are like the day of yesterday, when it is gone.
The prince of darkness grim
we tremble not for him!
His rage we can endure:
For lo, his doom is sure:
One little word shall fell him!
* * * * *
So what must be our Christian attitude?
Now we turn to the second text: Isaiah 28:16c.
The first word of the chapter, Isaiah 28, is also a ‘prophetic woe’.
Isaiah is called the statesman among the prophets. The policy promoted by the king of God’s people concerned him deeply. He didn’t believe in politics in which the Holy One of Israel had no say!
In this chapter he starts off with a strong ‘Woe’, addressed to the unbelievers. Isaiah is alarmed by the careless attitude of Judah’s leaders. While disaster and doom hang over Jerusalem’s mountains, the leaders live their happy, easy-going lives. They couldn’t care less!
When the prophet speaks of Death, they say: but we shall not die……..! When the prophet announces Judgment, they say: but we shall make it..! Now the prophet starts mocking. He says: how do you know? You seem to have made a covenant with death! Or have you made an agreement, a political pact with the floods and the disasters?
Don’t you think that what we read about the attitude of God’s people in Isaiah’s time is very relevant for us, in our modern days? People are so independent.
It is getting worse all the time. Yet many people are so “cocksure”. They want to have higher wages. They don’t worry about world problems. They seem to have made a covenant with death. In numbers, people are drifting away from God’s Word and from His church.
The prophet speaks his Woe, He is very alarmed.
Yet Isaiah also says something more.
In the midst of this world, corrupt though it may be, there still lies a cornerstone. A building program is on its way. In Jerusalem a house of God is being built. It seems to be a very slow work. Yet they are building on the rock!
Now what does this mean?
The language is Old Testamental, of course. But don’t forget that Old Testament language is fulfilled in the New Testament Church
One serious piece of advice: if you want to have Old Testament prophecy explained, then, please, don’t look in the direction of present day Palestine, the Jews and the Arabs. If Christians wish to understand Old Testament prophecy, they should study the New Testament.
There we find the explanation of this word of Isaiah, which is quoted by our Lord Himself and by the apostles. God has His foundation in the midst of this world. Slowly but surely He builds a place where His people can stand. Whereas the devil and all those who listen to the devil will run right into that corner stone, he who believes will not be in haste. For him there is no reason to be nervous or to panic!
This should be our attitude in the present world.
No, brother, we don’t possess the calendar of the future. We are unable to predict all the happenings of the future of our late great planet earth. Yet I do not panic. Because I may know Him who has all the times in His hands. Isn’t this a glorious message? We have heard two things. And you may believe they are both very true
- The devil is furious – he is running out of time.
- But those who believe have all the time. They have seen their God at work. And for them there is no haste. Our times are in His hand.
* * * * *
What we must do now, is to put the two words together.
“The devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short.’
“But he who believes, who stands on God’s rock, will not panic. He will not be in haste.”
Of course, this does not mean that we have our victory cheaply. The Bible speaks realistically about how we have a fight against the devil for which we will need the full armour of God (Ephesians 6). It remains a frightening reality that the devil exists. Please, don’t be foolish enough to deny that he is there. The Christian knows that he is there! He also knows that he is a devil on a chain, he is defeated. And Jesus Christ rules in the midst of His enemies! Our Christian warfare is not a picnic. Yet there is no reason to panic. So do not get nervous. Don’t let your children doubt about their parents, whether they still believe that Jesus is Lord of all. Don’t let newspaper-headlines rob you of your joy.
We do not see yet that all things are subject to our great and victorious King. But we see Jesus…..!
After all, the devil is such a tragic figure. He is arrogant enough, yet he knows he is the loser.
You may stand on the rock of God’s Word. Life is not easy, but you have something to stand on, haven’t you? So then, let us take heed, and take our stand, and stand up:
Stand up, stand up for Jesus!
The strife will not be long!
This day, the noise of battle –
The next: the victor’s song!
To him who overcometh
A crown of life shall be;
He, with the King of Glory
Shall reign eternally.