Categories: Proverbs, Word of SalvationPublished On: August 23, 2024
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Word of Salvation – Vol. 14 No.22 – May 1968


The Backsliding Family


Sermon by Rev. F. Channing on Proverbs 14:14

SCRIPTURE READING: Jeremiah 3:21 – 4:2

PSALTER HYMNAL: 1:1,2,3,5; 73:1,7,9; 67:1,3,8; 205


In Scripture we have many different illustrations of the Christian life.  The Bible makes it very clear that there is always a beginning to Christian life.  One Biblical illustration is the sowing of the seed of the Word of God in the prepared heart… or there is the other illustration that our Lord Jesus Christ used when speaking with Nicodemus… The Lord Jesus Christ spoke of the NEW BIRTH.

The apostle Paul, in his epistle to the Corinthians, called this beginning of Christian life a “new creation”.  The Old Testament prophets spoke of this beginning of Christian life as a “new heart” being planted by God, and the removal of the old heart of stone.

That is the beginning.  The mighty supernatural changing of the inner man or woman by the power of the Holy Spirit of God.

Now we know that God does this mighty work in men and women and boys and girls on the ground of the finished work of our Saviour on Golgotha.  It is because Jesus’ blood has been shed, and His life has been given for His people, that His people are made anew and are given new hearts… hearts to praise and worship and serve God.

The Bible also tells us, by way of many illustrations, that such a beginning IS ONLY a beginning.

The seed planted in good ground grew and brought forth fruit!  The NEW BORN BABE in Christ grows up into a man or woman of maturity in Christ!  The NEW CREATURE in Christ begins to perform NEW WORKS for CHRIST!  The NEW HEART begins to bring forth NEW RIGHTEOUS and HOLY thoughts and words and deeds to praise Christ!

The Bible describes this growth in Christian life as a battle.

The apostle Paul, writing to the Ephesians, said, “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand the wiles of the devil.”

Also, this growth is pictured in Holy Scripture as a pilgrimage – the Christian pilgrim is progressing toward the heavenly city.

These Biblical illustrations of what the Christian life really is, helps us to understand what our text means when it speaks of BACKSLIDING.

A soldier in battle BACKSLIDES when he turns his back to the enemy and allows the enemy to overcome him and to advance.

And a pilgrim is a person who is pressing on toward a certain destination.  Such a person ceases to be a pilgrim the moment he turns around and gives up his pilgrimage.  So this is what backsliding is…
            It is the giving up of the pilgrimage…
            or the turning of the back to the enemy,
            and allowing the enemy to overcome us.


Time and again God warns us in his Word against backsliding.  Our Lord Jesus said, “He that puts his hand to the plough and then turns back is not fit for the kingdom of heaven.”  The apostle Paul urged Timothy to “press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ.”  The Bible makes it very clear that the Christian life IS ONE of BATTLE…. it is a PILGRIMAGE… it demands a PRESSING ON to a HIGHER POINT.

It is when men and women and young people STOP PRESSING ON, and become satisfied with that to which they have attained, or even turn back; and allow themselves to be swept back from that to which they have attained by the grace of God…


Let us this day see from God’s Word…
            then secondly, the PROOF OF THIS BACKSLIDING,
            and finally the PROVISION that God has made for us
                        to PROTECT US FROM BACKSLIDING.


Time and again in Holy Scripture we can read of such people and such families.  They started out well…  They ran well for a time…  They appeared to grow, but then suddenly they started to slip back.

We can read of Lot’s family.  We can read of those families of Korah and Abiram who followed Moses out of Egypt, and then finally they rebelled, because they wanted to go back to Egypt!

And it was the same with the hosts of the people of Israel.  They wanted to go back and taste again the marrows and the cucumbers of Egypt!  They wanted these things, rather than to live upon the manna that God sent them each day from heaven.  We have read together in this service of how Israel had turned back from serving and loving the Lord in sincerity.  Idols now received their worship and their homage!.  Idols now controlled their daily living!

If we examine each situation, we will find that the first step was a step of DISSATISFACTION with God’s gracious provision.

Lot was not satisfied to live as a pilgrim with his Uncle Abraham, so he chose the well-watered plains of the Jordan and the comfort of city life.  Korah and Abiram were dissatisfied with the God-appointed leadership of Moses and Aaron.  The people of Israel, in the wilderness, were dissatisfied with the provision God had made for them each day in the giving of the manna.  The nation of Israel in Jeremiah’s time was dissatisfied with being different from the idol-worshipping nations around about them.

Now this is the point at which Satan is always attacking the Christian.

He wants us to be dissatisfied with God’s provision for us!  Whatever that may be…!

Maybe it is the financial provision God has made for us in this life…!

Maybe it is the provision God has made for us in the circumstances of our lives…!

Maybe it is the provision God has made for us in giving us the parents we have…!  Or the children we have…!  Or the wife or husband we have…!

Maybe it is that we are dissatisfied with being different from the world about us.

Maybe we want to enjoy the blessings of God and the comforts and security of the world also!

Whatever it is… we are dissatisfied with GOD’S PROVISION!  We wish we had more… or something different… or had less trouble!

And this frame of mind, of course, affects our pilgrim walk.  Very soon we are not looking forward to the destination, but our eyes become fixed upon the little HERE AND NOW PROBLEMS.

We soon forget what the inspired apostle wrote to the Corinthians:

“Our light affliction which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, WHILE we look not at things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen, for the things which are seen are temporal… they will pass away but the things which are not seen are eternal!”

Yes… we place our feet upon the slippery slide of backsliding, WHEN our eyes of faith are removed from the heavenly glory and treasure that is at God’s right hand!

Time and again God warns us of this…!  Our Lord said: Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these (other) things will be added unto you.”  Again our Lord said: “Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth, but lay up for yourselves treasures IN HEAVEN… for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also!”

The Lord’s inspired apostle wrote: “Seek those things which are above… set your affections on things above, NOT ON TH INGS ON THE EARTH, for you are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.”

These are the first steps of BACKSLIDING… DISSATISFACTION with God’s provisions …our EYES OF FAITH TURNED from the heavenly glories to the earthly problems and earthly treasures… AND ALSO, OUR LIPS AND HEARTS STILLED IN PRAYER.

For many a backslider that has been almost the first step!  They stopped praying!

As soldiers, they stopped sending their requests for help and aid!

As pilgrims, they stopped asking for guidance and direction!

And so of course, they had to battle on in their own strength, and they had to struggle on, trusting their own wisdom!


And oh, beloved, there are many Christian homes where these things are happening today!  There are many Christian homes that have turned back from the pilgrimage… they don’t like to be different, or they have become dissatisfied with God’s provisions.  Many Christian homes have given up the battle for CHRIST AND HIS KINGDOM!  Many Christian homes have joined hands with the WORLD, AGAINST CHRIST and against His Kingdom!


The proof of it is, just what our text says: “A backslider IN HEART SHALL BE FILLED WITH HIS OWN WAYS.”

You will notice how the inspired writer points to the fact that all this starts IN THE HEART!

It is IN THE HEART that men and women become dissatisfied with God’s provisions!

It is IN THE HEART where they begin to become dissatisfied with BEING DIFFERENT!

It is IN THE HEART where they begin to treasure up this earth, MORE than the glories of heaven!

And it is IN THE HEART where prayers become shrivelled up to nothing!

IN THE HEART the backslider is filled with his own ways.

Right at the central place of our human life and personality… The place which our Lord Jesus Christ described as the FOUNTAIN HEAD, out of which come the issues of life… THERE, IN THE HEART, the backslider is FILLED with HIS OWN WAYS, INSTEAD of the ways of the LORD.

In the heart there is a turning away from subjection to the WORD OF GOD!

In the heart of families… of parents… of children… there is a stiffening of the neck, so that they no longer bow down before God in humility and say…


Too often, beloved, we are tempted to take the easy way and say, “I know it says this in the Bible BUT…!” and so we excuse the fact that our hearts are filled with OUR OWN WAYS… and we do NOT WANT God’s ways!

And then we look about us, and we wonder why the Church of Jesus Christ is in such a mess as it is today!

We forget to ask ourselves: What sort of a Church of Jesus Christ would there be if ALL the members of that church were like you… or like me?  What sort of a church would there be if all the families of the church were run in the same way as yours and mine?  What church could we look forward to in the next few years, if ALL the children of the church were instructed as yours and mine are?  What sort of a foundation for the future church would be laid if every mother and father in the church gave such an example as YOU GIVE… or I give?

THAT is why the church is in such a mess today, beloved!  Our families… and ourselves… WE have become families and people whose HEARTS ARE FILLED with our own ways!

Just look at yourself!  What is the MOST IMPORTANT THING FOR YOUR FAMILY?

You folks with children… What is the MOST IMPORTANT THING for your children?

Their education?  Their social standing in the neighbourhood?  Their ability to contract a suitable marriage?  Their ability to get on in the world of commerce or business?

WHERE on the SCALE OF PRIORITIES does your family place the NURTURE in the WORD OF GOD?

WHERE on the SCALE OF PRIORITIES does your family place OBEDIENCE to the LORD?

Has your family… have you DEEP SPIRITUAL ROOTS in the WORD OF GOD?

Is your family being taught by you, IN PRAYER… and IN WORSHIP and HOW to SERVE JESUS CHRIST?

Someone recently wrote these words: “This is not an age when we should laugh at the strictness of our Puritan forefathers.  Such STRICTNESS is not the danger for us in this age.  The danger for us in this age is that we have perhaps already gone to the other extreme, and have given up all restraint and strictness.”

And is this not so, beloved in Christ?

Youth are growing up even within the fold of our own denominations, and some of them even at the age of 15 or 17 years of age are UNABLE to recite the Ten Commandments of our God!

And then we wonder why it is that they are not afflicted with deep sorrow and heart-felt repentance when they break those Commandments!  We WONDER!  Wonder we should!

And these same young people grow up into young men and women who will soon take over the spiritual leadership of their own families and of the church of the next generation.  BUT they do not even know where to turn in their Bibles to find the precious truths and doctrines of grace and salvation… and much less do they know where to look for words of comfort and direction for daily living!

Someone said recently concerning our own denominations’ youth, that he was appalled at the lack of BIBLE KNOWLEDGE in our youth.  This is what we have been SOWING over the past years!  And what will be the HARVEST of it all?  It will be that young people as well as old people will sit in these pews not knowing how to divide TRUTH FROM ERROR!  AND WHY?  Because our families have IN HEART become filled with their own ways, instead of the ways of the Lord!

Mother has a life filled with her own ways… Her social round… her entertaining… her gossip feasts!

Father has a life filled with his own ways… his business… making money… giving the children a good comfortable home and a good secular education!

Children have their lives filled with their own ways… wanting to go their own way, instead of God’s ways.  Wanting to do what is right in their OWN EYES, instead of what is right in GOD’S EYES.


What sort of protection is there against THIS BACKSLIDING?

We are all in danger of it!  What therefore is the protection against it?


What can wash away my sin?  What can wash away my failure?

Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

THAT is God’s remedy for the sins of backsliding!

THAT is God’s remedy for the failures of our families!  And what is the protection to keep us from backsliding?

Remember the soldier in battle?  Needing supplies?  Needing strength?

Remember the pilgrim on his pilgrimage, needing guidance and direction?

GOD’S PROVISION for our protection from backsliding, in our families, in our private lives is JESUS CHRIST!

Paul could say: “I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me!”

David the psalmist could sing:

            “The Lord is my shepherd
             I SHALL NOT want
             He LEADETH ME beside the still waters
             He LEADETH ME in the pathways of righteousness
             for His Own Name’s sake”

This, beloved, is God’s provision.  WE NEED NOT BACKSLIDE!

We MAY GO ON, pressing toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ!

We MAY GO ON, pressing toward perfection – advancing in our pilgrimage… advancing in our battle against the principalities and powers of darkness.

We MAY GO ON when we seek our nourishment and strength from JESUS CHRIST our LORD.



We seek it by ASKING in prayer… crying out:
            “LORD I need THY PROTECTION, else I will backslide!”
            “Lord, I need strength to be the father that leads in the family,
                        and instructs my family in the ways of the Lord.”
            “Lord, I need strength to stand in my family and declare,
                        ‘As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.'”
            “Lord!  I need strength to be the wife
                          that is subject to the husband of Thy choice…
                        I need strength to be the mother
                          that assists the father in his Christian leadership of the family.

The young people need to cry out:
            “Lord!  I need Thy strength to be willing to be obedient to my parents
                        as they strive to lead our family in the ways of God.”

And as individuals, we need to cry out,
            “Lord!  I need Thy strength to press on in my Christian life
                          to greater and more Faithful service…
                          deeper commitment and consecration to Thee…
                        I need Thy strength!

“What but THY GRACE can foil the tempter’s power
 Who like THYSELF, My guide and stay shall be
 Thru cloud or sunshine… LORD… ABIDE WITH ME!”

Thy provision for me I will gladly accept… LORD… ABIDE WITH ME!

Yes, beloved, we need to remember afresh that we must not seek our strength and our help and our guidance in ourselves, but in JESUS CHRIST ALONE, who said:

            “As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself,
             except it abide in the Vine,
             no more can ye except ye abide in Me.”

Only our LORD JESUS, through His blessed merits earned for us on Golgotha’s Cross, can keep us from backsliding!  Only He can pour into us the life that we need to live for Him, to serve Him in faithfulness!

Are we casting ourselves upon Him, asking Him that as He promised, so He will keep us?

Are we saying,
            “Other refuge have I none,
             Hangs my helpless soul on Thee…
             Leave O leave me (
and my family) not alone.
             Still support and comfort me!”?

Are we daily pleading, “LORD, KEEP US FROM BACKSLIDING.
  Keep us satisfied with Thy provisions for us!
  Keep us with our eyes fixed upon the eternal glory!
  And keep us praying and trusting, by Thy Spirit…!
  Keep us ever asking for the grace and the strength to live for Jesus!

Yes, Lord Keep US…. our families and ourselves, ever FIGHTING… ever walking in the PILGRIM way, until Jesus Christ our Saviour comes again!’

And if that is our cry and the desire of our hearts… we will be able also to say…
“EVEN SO, COME, LORD JESUS… for we are waiting, and we are ready!”
