Categories: Numbers, Word of SalvationPublished On: May 2, 2024
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Word of Salvation – Vol. 21 No.02 – October 1974


Jesus Christ… Star!


Advent Sermon by Rev. John Goris, on Numbers 24:17-18

Scripture Readings: Revelation 12; Numbers 24:10-19

Psalter Hymnal: 111; 129;1,2 (Law); 231 (Creed); 219; 331; 400:1,5


Beloved in the Lord,

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone who will celebrate Christmas this year, would REALLY know Who Jesus is?

Many at least know of Baby Jesus in the manger, but there is little more about Him that most people know.  And what they know about His glorious Person is such a far cry from what the Scriptures tell us about Him.

Perhaps the most pathetic, shocking thing about the popular rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar” is the fact that it represents the thinking and belief of countless millions!

The opera tells us nothing new.  It puts into words and music what many have been thinking already for years.  And all that shows, that, contrary to the title, there is nothing “super” about the person portrayed as “Jesus Christ Superstar”.  You will soon notice that as you go through the script.

“He’s a man, just a man”, Mary Magdalene sings, and the rest of the opera text bears that out all along.

Now the question is: who is Jesus Christ to you?

Who is the Christ of the Scriptures, whose birth we are celebrating again before long?

The Scriptures know nothing of a “superstar”, but they DO tell us something about a “STAR” in relation to Jesus Christ.


            1.  The VISION of the star

            2.  The VICTORY of the star


“I see him, but not now;
 I behold him, but not nigh:
 a star shall come forth out of Jacob,
 and a sceptre shall rise out of Israel;
 It shall crush. . . . break down. . . . dispossess…!”

The real impact of these words will be seen in their context.  Israel has been marching on!  The end of the journey was in sight.  Forty years they had spent in the wilderness, tempted, tested, they were coming forth rejuvenated.  The last lap of the long trek was marked by victory.

No enemy could stand before them.

They had spared the related nations of Edom and Moab, but the Amorite kingdoms of Bashan and Heshbon were defeated.  They had come to the border of the Promised Land, only the Jordan River separated them from it.

Whilst camping on this side of the Jordan Israel was awaiting instructions for the crossing of the river into the Promised Land.

The sight of the sprawling multitude frightened the king of Moab, thinking they might now “lick up” Moab (Numbers 22:4).  Greatly distressed, the king sends for Balaam, a soothsayer, asking him to curse the Israelite nation.

Whatever happens, Israel must go!

The desire to curse Israel is none other than an indirect attack on God who has blessed and prospered His people.  It is not hard to see that Satan is behind that move.  The apostle tells us in Revelation 12 that the great red dragon is after the woman, that is the Church (Old Testament and New Testament), which is to give birth to the promised Messiah.

We cannot always look behind the scenes, but we must know what Revelation 12 tells us about the history of God’s people in this world.

Well, you see that’s what happens here:

The king of Moab summons Balaam the son of Zippor.  He comes but God meets with him on the way.

Some confrontation…!

Balaam is only to speak what God bids him speak!

To Balak’s consternation
            Balaam BLESSES Israel instead of cursing it: …three times!

That is enough.
Go home, soothsayer!
No!  Balaam must speak once more.
The climax of his message is still to come.

I see Him, but not now;
I behold Him, but not nigh,

A STAR, marching forth, treading down his enemies in battle.
A SCEPTRE, rising, rising up, symbol of rule and conquest.

The enemies of Israel will be crushed,
            broken down,
The day of complete victory is sure to come.

Who is this king?
Who will accomplish this?
Who will lead the nation in victory over its enemies?

Many a king would do so, but the one who most nearly fulfilled these words of prophecy was King David.

Yet even David’s victory was not complete!

A long while afterwards the prophet Obadiah rebukes Edom for its scornful laughter at Israel’s downfall.

And later still the Edomite, king Herod, tried to revenge himself on Israel’s new-born King.

It was king David’s greater Son, King Jesus,
            who brought victory over the enemies of His people.
                        He dealt the deadly blow to the great red dragon, Satan.

Balaam tells Moab
            that God’s plans for His people cannot be frustrated,
            that His blessing cannot be changed into a curse by their enemies.

The content of Balaam’s vision
  was not the product of heathen soothsaying,
  it was revelation,
            God’s own message
            was super-imposed on the pagan prophet’s mind:
            he HAD to speak it.

Balaam thought he was going to use the Lord to curse His people, but in fact the Lord used him to bless them.

Moreover, Balaam hoped to use God’s revelation for his sinful ends: for personal gain!

One wonders if that is not what is happening today, when so many popular song writers use God’s Word for personal gain and fame.  And what happens when non-Christians reflect on the story of Christ?  He is invariably presented as a failure.  This is what happened in “Superstar”.  Christ is seen as a victim of His own pretences.  That is not honouring God.

Of course, it is easy to stand back and point at others.  We may follow the Scriptural account perfectly, and accept it fully, whilst YET…
            the vision of the KING,
            is but a poor reality in the life of the Church!
Somehow the Star that came forth ― for He DID come!
            ― you  believe that, don’t you?
  somehow that Star seems to have fizzled out,
            just like that great comet Kohoutek in January ‘74.

But you know to whom that vision was a reality?
            To the pagan astrologers of the East, the land of Balaam.
            To them – those wise men – it WAS a sign of the SCEPTRE of a King:
            “Where is the new-born King of the Jews”?

I wonder how many of us have caught a glimpse of that VISION?
How many have been inspired by it in their battle against the forces of darkness?

The very book of Revelation revives that vision,
            “Behold, He is coming with the clouds,
             and every eye shall see Him,
             every one who pierced Him;
             and all tribes of the earth shall wail on account of Him”. (Rev.1:7)

How much the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ needs to SEE the King
  and LIVE the reality of His Kingship!
For a CONQUERING King is He!  (That is our next point…)


“. . . a STAR shall come forth.
 and a sceptre. . .
 It shall CRUSH. . . break down. . . dispossess. . .
 while Israel does valiantly.”

It is because of the Star that Israel does valiantly.

The people of God is invincible in Christ!

The victorious march of the people of Israel had stunned the nations round about.  No wonder Moab calls for Balaam.  No wonder Rahab of Jericho wants to side with the victorious nation, and pleads with the spies for “mercy”.  Again in David God gives Israel a foretaste of the conquering King.  The Philistines, Moab and Edom, crushed, dispossessed.

But the victory lies solely in God,
            in the Man of God.
Israel was far from victorious in herself,
            and apart from being weak, she was sinful.

Out of pure grace
            God had chosen her for Himself,
              to be used to carry out His great saving purpose for this world.

That’s why she was so greatly blessed.
That’s why she was kept separate, holy unto the Lord!
That’s why all who would fight her, would fight Him!
            Even Israel’s blood-relations,
              the nations of Moab and Edom,
              when turning against Israel,
              were not spared!
“Alas, who shall live when God does this?” (vs.23b)

Who shall live?

Only those who belong to God’s people,
  those who are blessed by God IN CHRIST!

The people of Israel have not always been conscious of this victory over their enemies.  In those hundreds of years of nationhood, Israel proved far too often that they leaned on themselves or on others, rather than on the Lord.  Thus their weakness and their unbelief showed up.  They were made to realise that they were nothing in themselves.  It was to make them long all the more for the coming of their Messiah-King.

But NOW,
  He HAS come,
            and His victory has been witnessed,
            a victory ― it is true ― which is yet to be FULLY realised,
            but, which is nevertheless a FACT!

The people of God will do valiantly.
They will conquer!
  “For”, says the apostle,
  “we ARE more than conquerors through HIM Who loved us”.  (Rom.8:37).

That conquering is no option: the Lord expects it from us.
Without that victory the Church is no church,
  it has no share in Christ.

Notice what the conquering Christ says to the seven churches in Asia Minor (Rev.2+3), and He says it to each one without exception!
            “To him who CONQUERS…I will grant. . . !”

That means we must personally and together BOW before our King.

Alas, many ― even in the church ― do not do so.
They can still lose the blessing that belongs to the people of God.

Do you know what happened after Balaam could not curse the people of Israel?
He said to the leaders of Midian and Moab:
“Bring out your women and let them seduce the men of Israel.
  Mix with them.  Mix with them in marriage!” (Numbers 31:16; Num.  25).

By mixing with them they were to wipe out the distinctiveness of the nation belonging to God.

It would destroy the nation, it would bring in the poison of the corruption which God was wanting to save the world from,
            it would make the covenant a farce.

There is little hope for people,
            even God’s people,
            who follow those Balaam’s (Rev.2:14).

But those who are on the side of the enemy
 and who bow before the King of Israel, they shall be blessed.

As was. . . Rahab of Jericho (Hebrews 11:31!!).
As was Ruth the Moabitess who confessed before Naomi,
            “Your God shall be MY God,
             your people shall be MY people!” (Ruth 1:16)

They had seen the glory of the people whose God is the Lord!
They wanted to share His victory, and they did share it,
            for they saw the privilege of belonging to that God.

And YOU?
            Have you seen that privilege?
            That is: Have you seen the VISION of Jesus Christ…  the STAR?
            And have you shared His VICTORY in a REAL way?

That is a Christmas question,
   and what is your answer?
