Categories: Heidelberg Catechism, Matthew, New Testament, Word of SalvationPublished On: February 22, 2025
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Word of Salvation – Vol.23 No.18 – January 1977


Inherent Authority And Given Authority


Sermon by Rev. Adrian Leenman, Th. Grad. on Mat.28:18 & Lord’s Day 39

Scripture Reading: Mat.16:1-20

Psalter Hymnal: 193; 47:1,2,6,7 (Law); 399; 402; 169:1,2,3; 488


Beloved congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ,

The subject of authority is one of the biggest problems the world faces today.  There is either too much of it in some areas of life or not enough in other areas.

With countless numbers it is thought of lightly and with many others the idea of authority has become an obsession.

It is not only a big subject, but it is also of worldwide concern and it affects some of the most important areas of life.

We would also agree that the subject causes much unrest and anxiety.  In society at large, the subject of Law and Order is constantly under discussion as well as under attack.

Churches raise questions on the subject of authority and relate them to vital areas of the Christian Faith; such as Scripture and the Confessions.

But is it not true, congregation, that any form of authority used wisely and well is a great blessing?  When exercised with love and discernment it brings about safety and peace and prosperity.  When applied to the home, it makes it a safe and happy place.

When applied to society, it reinforces its structures.

It seeks to promote peace among individuals as well as nations.  It safeguards a country’s level of prosperity.

These are some of the blessed results of the proper use of authority.  On the other hand, incorrect and loveless use of power and influence leads to despotism, which is the unwanted rule of a small group of men over others.  Power and authority can so easily lead to suppression and bring endless suffering and poverty.

A perverted concept of authority brings fear instead of a sense of protection, and is hostile to the idea of peace and quietness.

During Jesus’ walk on earth the subject of authority and power was discussed or challenged time and again.

We shall see how Jesus’ use of authority was interpreted by various people in different ways.

In Matthew 4 we read about the story of the temptation in the wilderness; indeed, Satan was keenly aware of Jesus’ power and authority and therefore tries to let Jesus utilise His power in an unwarranted way and make Jesus comply with Satan’s suggestions….!

We see also that Jesus’ critics either challenged or misconstrued His authority when they said in Mark 3:22 that Jesus cast out demons through the power of the chief of demons….!

Then there is the story of the mother of two of Jesus’ disciples who requests that Jesus uses His authority to make sure that each of her sons be given ‘a recognised place in heaven’.

You may think that this is a less serious misconception of Jesus’ authority, but it nevertheless indicated that this mother did not understand what the nature of Jesus’ power was.

Still speaking of what people thought of Jesus’ authority, we remember that for some time even the 12 disciples did not really understand who Jesus was and consequently the matter of His authority was ‘up in the air’.

It was not until the time when Jesus asked His disciples the question, ‘But whom do you say that I am?’ to which question Peter replied: ‘YOU ARE THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD’ – yes, Peter ‘caught on’ and is it not true that, when we see the Lord Jesus in the right perspective and as long as we see Him as the Son of God Who came down to earth for the purpose of saving people, THEN WE WILL HAVE NO PROBLEM VIEWING HIS POWER AND AUTHORITY CORRECTLY…..?  The place of Jesus’ authority is central as well as crucial.

No wonder that at the time of Jesus’ trial both Caiaphas the High Priest as well as Pilate the Governor confront Jesus with a question on AUTHORITY and ruling power….. by asking Him the question: ‘Are You the Christ, the Son of God?’ and Pilate asked Jesus if He was indeed the King of the Jews.

If only Jesus could be charged on the subject of authority, then there would be good grounds for His condemnation…….!

No one of those who conducted Jesus’ trial understood or believed that the Lord had a particular area in which He exercised His power – which was in the sphere of Redemption…..!

From man’s point of view, authority has a rightful place, but it is a serious matter when authority is slighted, or misused or made a weapon to instil fear into the hearts of people.

Throughout Jesus’ earthly lifetime and especially during His public Ministry He assumed authority, however it was restricted to a particular realm.  We must keep in mind that Jesus’ life prior to the Resurrection was lived in the framework of HUMILIATION.  His work was primarily the work of Redemption and the work of being the Mediator…..!

Matthew 7:29 says that in the realm of TEACHING Jesus had authority… and in Mat.9:6 Jesus claims authority in the realm of forgiving sins…..!

So before the Resurrection Jesus had specific, but limited authority, it pertained to the work of redemption.  We know this from the statement that Jesus did not know of the time of His return, He said: ‘of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, NOR THE SON, but the Father only’.

But whenever Jesus speaks AFTER HIS RESURRECTION on the subject of power and authority, then He does so as the exalted Lord IN THE STATE OF HIS EXALTATION….!

The disciples ought to know that after the Resurrection THINGS HAD CHANGED… JESUS’ AUTHORITY HAD BECOME MORE CENTRAL…!  To the disciples He seemed still so much the same in His way of doing things and the way He spoke to them, but when it comes to power and authority, well, these are NOW LINKED AND RELATED TO THE RESURRECTION…!!

And the time would soon come that power and authority would be passed on to the disciples, THEY WOULD RECEIVE A GIVEN AUTHORITY…… for the purposes of spreading the Gospel and promoting the cause of the New Testament Church.

We see then that the Lord Jesus was endowed with inherent power and authority which had become more central and more pointed after the Resurrection.

On the day of Pentecost the disciples received the promised Spirit of Power which was to be passed on in a man to man relationship with the purpose of promoting the work of God’s Kingdom on earth.

Whenever people meet or work together the question of authority, the question of allegiance to others and the recognition of others, presents itself.

As believers we ought to recognise and obey those who are superior to us and seek to obey those who rule us.  This is such an important aspect of life and is so fundamental to life that the 5th Commandment has been devoted to it.

There is indeed a parallel between the words of our text and the 5th commandment as explained in Lord’s Day 39.  The Lord Jesus speaks of authority which belongs to Him and is therefore inherent.

Lord’s Day 39 speaks of man’s duty to recognise lawful authority.  And from where does such obedience come?  It must originate from a true love to God, which, in turn, is reflected in true love for fellowmen.

If there is a true and loving relationship on the part of the believer with God, then there should be no problem expressing this on a horizontal level.  It is a joy to obey those who are in authority over us because in that way we obey fellowmen and so give proof of our love for them.  Moreover, we reflect God’s love in Jesus Christ to the world in that way.

Finally, by adhering to the 5th commandment, we show God’s goodness, because good government and wise rule is God-willed and so we adorn the Christian Faith.

However, the realities of life show us all too clearly that much of what has a bearing on authority and obedience is trampled underfoot… and people who are called to enforce law and order set poor examples.

Left wing governments are set on destroying law and order; extreme Trade Unionists ridicule the idea of promoting the welfare of the employer.  Delinquency and vandalism are major problems in the Western world and aim at defying authority and respect and decency.

In this way much of a nation’s strength ebbs away and its vitality is drained.

It is noteworthy that Lord’s Day 39 starts off mentioning the parent-child relationship and urges us to honour, love and show faithfulness to parents.  Why would this be?  (And even exclusively in the commandment).

Why would this relationship be mentioned first?

It is because the home is – and always has been – the foundation-stone of society.  Those who have been deprived of parental love and those who have been brought up under a perverted or incorrect form of authority AT HOME, they are ― as a rule ― either the vandals or the ‘problem cases’ of society….!

Towards the end of each year the High Schools emit thousands of School Leavers and they either strengthen or undermine the structure of society, BUT EACH ONE OF THESE BOYS AND GIRLS HAVE BEEN REARED IN A HOME FOR JUST AS LONG AS THEY ARE OLD…..!

And the type of home and the parental love RECEIVED OR GIVEN will determine what contribution these young people will make to society and the world.

That’s why Lord’s Day 39 starts off with the home ― and let us stress the word HOME ― it is the HOME, not the HOUSE, where mutual love is exercised and blessing is experienced.

It is the home which is the earliest and most impressive training ground…..!

The place where children receive and experience both love and protection and where they may listen to an authoritative voice regulating matters pertaining to the HOME.

Believing parents are desirous to show and share God’s goodness and their love to God AND THEIR CHILDREN….!

The Christian Day-school may be seen as an instrument to assist parents in that great work of education which STARTS IN THE HOME.

Ideally seen then, the home and the Christian Primary and/or Secondary School have become instruments of obedience in respect to the 5th commandment, because Christian education does also insist on the enforcement of authority and GOOD INSTRUCTION AND CORRECTION.

It is the place where the teacher handles those subjects that parents cannot take care of and yet there is that distinct idea of co-operation and basic oneness.

The realm of the home and the realm of Christian Education BOTH have the distinct aim of promoting the cause of the Christian Church by way of a GIVEN AUTHORITY.

But let us return to those final words Jesus spoke to His disciples, so that we may be comforted, for after all, there are so many things in our lives which are far from ideal, even if the Home front is supported by Christian Education.

We need the words the Master spoke to His disciples when He said: ‘ALL AUTHORITY IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH HAS BEEN GIVEN TO ME.’

Do you still remember to what this authority referred?  It referred primarily to the saving power of the Son of God.

He had the power to forgive sins and the power to heal.  He was AND STILL IS the Mediator between God and man.

This Jesus has, since the day of Ascension, returned to the Father where He has a place of honour at the right Hand of God.

That place was given to Him because of His perfect obedience to the Father, executing that great work of bringing sinful people back to God AS REDEEMED PEOPLE.

This Jesus was perfectly obedient to this redemptive work.

Be sure of this, congregation/friends, this Lord Jesus still functions as the Saviour of the world.  His love has been exemplified in the fact that He gave Himself for those who believe on His Name.

If you recognise, honour and love this Son because of His inherent authority to save people, then you will no doubt be eager to love and honour those who are placed over you… whether this be Mum or Dad or the teacher at school or Tech., your boss, yes even the traffic policeman who happened to pull you up, they are all there to function for your benefit and welfare.

In many ways law and order is in a mess today.  At times we are disappointed by measures taken by the government.  At times we feel that Courts of Law miss the point when pronouncing their verdict on those who violate Law and Order.

Many Churches overlook or ignore essentials and therefore make poor use of ruling power, the world at large is averse to ‘rules and regulations’ but be reminded of what the Lord said:
‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.’

And also these words: ‘Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the Age.’

His saving and keeping power is TODAY just as real as it was when He spoke these words to His disciples.

Go on as parents and as children and young people to ‘honour your father and your mother’ and adhere to the implications of the 5th commandment.  You will then go on honouring God and receiving blessings and reinforcing the foundation stone of society.

But remember above all that, on that Great Day of Jesus’ Return, YOU, as His redeemed child WILL BE CO-RULER IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD…. on the basis of Christ’s perfect obedience to the Father.
