Categories: Luke, Word of SalvationPublished On: April 8, 2024
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Word of Salvation – Vol. 21 No. 29 – April 1975


The Ascending Jesus Blesses The Believing Church

(An Ascension Sermon)


Sermon by Rev. N. Teekens, L.Th., Th.Grad. on Luke 24:44-53

Scripture Reading: John 20:19-22

Psalter Hymnal: 366 all; 372 all; 233:5,6; 398:1,2,4; 444:2,3,4


Beloved congregation in the Lord,

Today the Churches celebrate Jesus’ Ascension.

Oh, some may have been quite unaware that last Thursday was the day of Jesus’ Ascension!  Compared to the traditional feasts of Christmas and Easter, Ascension Day passes by almost unnoticed.  There are no holidays, no special decorations, not even hot-cross buns!  Commercially-speaking, the Ascension is value-less.

However, for the CHURCH, Jesus’ Ascension is the climax and fulfilment of both Christmas and Easter!  Upon Jesus’ resurrection, the disciples still failed to understand the mission of Jesus.  We see them confused, some disbelieving in His resurrection, we see bewilderment and surprise at various reports coming in.  We see them huddled with fright behind locked doors.  They were still afraid!  And thus Jesus found a locked-up church awaiting Him.  He could not leave them in such a state!  So, at and around the Ascension, Jesus must bring about a change in the disciples.

It is this change of which our text speaks.

Luke’s Gospel closes on a far different note compared to their fright.  We read in our text that they “returned to Jerusalem with great joy”; and they returned not to locked doors, but to be “continually in the Temple blessing God!”

We need to ask: WHAT HAPPENED?

How and why did this new element of joy and praise enter their hearts?  Why were they game enough to return to Jerusalem?

Our texts has as theme:

“The Ascending Jesus Blesses a Believing Church!”

Christ could not ascend leaving behind an imprisoned, frightened Church!  He was glorious LORD, not Jail-keeper, of the Church!  And our exalted Lord of the Church departs with uplifted hands blessing a believing core of the New Testament Church.

Our text speaks of no less than 4 duties, or characteristics, of the Church, would it receive a blessing of Jesus, both at His coming or His ascension.

Our text mentions that Jesus blesses those who

1.  Have their minds opened to the Scriptures;

2.  Who have their mouth opened to preach in His name;

3.  Who have their lives clothed with His power, and

4.  Who have their heart filled with joy and praise.

1.  Firstly, we see that Jesus blesses those who have their minds illumined to the Scriptures.

The disciples of course KNEW the Scriptures.  They had the Old Testament in their possession.  In fact, it was taught to them already at a very early age.  It was part of their national, cultural and even political structure.  Yet it may be more exact to say they knew OF the Scriptures.  They knew its contents, but not its meaning.

We may compare it to this example: a stained-glass window needs light behind it to come to its true beauty.  Seen without this light, a mass of patterns are seen, but no beauty and purpose can be recognised.  But place a light behind it, and it actually comes to life.  All its shapes and colours are seen.

Similarly, the Old Testament, speaking of Christ’s person and work in many parts, always being preparatory for His redeeming work, can be correctly understood ONLY when Christ is recognised as predicted and fulfilling the whole Old Testament.  It was THIS realisation which made the men going to Emmaus admit to each other that their hearts “burned within them” while Jesus talked to them on the road, Luke 24:32.

Then also Jesus qualifies His statement to the gathered disciples.  He emphasises that His suffering and death are the central points of His life and mission.  Later Paul was to similarly emphasise Jesus death and resurrection, when he professed to know nothing but “Jesus Christ, and Him crucified”, 1Cor.1:17,23 and 2:2, e.g…!

Thus, brothers and sisters, THAT Church and THAT person may know Jesus’ hands raised over him in a blessing, who adore the Jesus of Scripture, Jesus the Saviour, the suffering, crucified and risen Saviour; whose only comfort is in Him alone; whose hope lies in their faithful SAVIOUR Jesus Christ.

2.  Secondly, Jesus explains that His suffering, death and resurrection are the BASIS of PREACHING repentance and forgiveness of sins in His name.  As the Hymn states, we must firstly KNOW “in whom I have believed”, and then must be “PERSUADED that He is able…” (P.H. Hymn 378)

Yes, now KNOWING fully Jesus’ MISSION, the disciples must proclaim Jesus’ MESSAGE.  They are commissioned to open their mouths to spread this glorious Gospel in His name.  “In His name,” meaning on His behalf and only through His finished work on the cross.  Jesus alone was to be the central theme of their preaching.  HE was to possess them, filling their hearts and mouths.

There are many churches today doing everything else BUT just that.  Many pulpits proclaim messages of ecology, preservation, pollution, liberation, permissiveness, etcetera, touching (quite ably) on every subject BUT that sole subject Christ demands TO be preached: Christ crucified!

To many, Scripture is a coat-hanger on whose texts they hang their popular subjects for discussion!  Repentance and forgiveness are out-of-date words.  The word “sins” has been placed amongst other bad 4-letter words.

But Christ states emphatically, at His Ascension: PREACH, and preach ME!  Repentance!  Forgiveness of sins through ME!

And His blessings rest on those who preach by word, and live out in deed, Christ, the only hope for sinful mankind.

But: they are to preach “beginning from Jerusalem”!  That was the most dangerous and difficult place to start from.  So, thirdly,

3.  Jesus blesses those who have their lives clothed with His power.

Jerusalem: the very place arousing fear and dread in their minds.  The locked doors witness to this!

But Jesus, as Lord of His Church, equips His people to do His work entrusted to them!

In John 20:22 we read that Jesus had “breathed on them, and said, ‘receive the Holy Spirit!…!”  ALREADY He had – shall we say – “sprinkled” them with His grace in receiving the Holy Spirit (Calvin).  Already NOW, His Spirit was at work in them, for only His Spirit can illumine the mind to receive and understand the Scriptures, and His Spirit alone could, in a moment, cause the FRUITS of their faith to reveal themselves when they returned to Jerusalem with love, joy and peace!

Yes, His Spirit was already in them, equipping them to TACKLE even Jerusalem, the home of the dangerous Pharisees, where Jesus was unjustly tried, innocently condemned and crucified!  Even Jerusalem was about to be conquered in the power of the Holy Spirit, as the early chapters of the Acts so emphatically show!

            “We fear no foe, with THEE at hand to bless!”

And so Jesus’ raised hands bless those who receive and appropriate the power of His Spirit.  Trusting in Him alone, armed with the Word, empowered with the Spirit, Jesus blesses those who preach in His name forgiveness.

Brothers and sisters, where do WE stand?

As Church and as denomination?

We have our Reformed principles which uphold Jesus as the only Saviour of mankind.  We recognise Jesus as predicted and pre-figured by many men in the Old Testament.  We preach Christ crucified.  We trust we are filled with His out-poured Holy Spirit.

But can WE be called an evangelistic denomination?

Are WE constantly in the surrounding community, preaching and living Christ daily?  Are WE true to the great commission?  Does OUR Church financial budget reflect emphasis on evangelism, the task Jesus commissioned the Church with?

In the power of His Spirit, do we display that boldness and conviction with a deep sense of urgency, as the early Church did?  And do WE express that resurrection joy and praise in our worship services, our praise, our offerings and our evening-service attendance?  Can it be said of US that we go to our Jerusalem with GREAT JOY, being CONTINUALLY in the Temple praising God?  Has our praise not become mute?

We must admit that OUR attitudes and work must DUPLICATE that of the early Church!?

And so, as we are reminded of our own shortcomings, let us take another long look at what WE have made of the Ascension of Jesus, and how WE implement His commission to OUR Church.

But as we discover painfully our shortcomings, let us not despair.  Let us not throw in the towel because we are weak or have failed or lack the energy or conviction.  Let us be positive about this.

            “Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing.”

But our text displays Jesus blessing, at His Ascension, not a perfect, capable core of the New Testament Church, but men with a message and with His power available to them, encouraging them to believe and act.  Jesus blesses those who SUBMIT to His Word.

Jesus blesses those who CLAIM His forgiveness for sins.

Jesus blesses those who CLAIM the power of His Holy Spirit.

Jesus blesses those who place their LIFE AND TRUST AND HOPE in Him alone.

Christ ascended with a parting blessing, but this blessing has not ended, but His blessing hands are still extended over ALL who aim to be obedient to His Word and His message.  Jesus did not, in a way, leave us totally alone; His Spirit and His Word have remained.  He is STILL with us.  And on this Ascension Sunday let us RECOGNISE that He stands ready to bless US also.  The confusion of the past, and the fear, can STILL be removed.

            “And though this world with devils filled,
             should threaten to undo us,
             WE WILL NOT FEAR, for God has willed
             His truth to TRIUMPH through us!”
As the Hymn adds:
            “The Spirit and the gifts are ours
             through Him Who with US sideth!”

And so we go on, firm in THIS knowledge, that HE triumphs!

Let us be obedient in our commission, clothed with His power, submissive to His Word.  For THEN His blessing hands are also raised over us, in a loving, tender benediction, saying, “Lo, I am WITH YOU ALWAYS!”  Then, upon this obedience and in this trust, we can tackle Jerusalem, with joy, great joy, and a firm conviction.  Then also we shall be praising God, awaiting the tremendous time when Jesus shall re-appear with outstretched arms, inviting us into His glorious presence, because we have under- stood the task of the Church which Jesus gave at His Ascension.

Come, let us rise, the world awaits us!
