Categories: Heidelberg Catechism, Word of SalvationPublished On: October 2, 2023
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Word of Salvation – Vol. 27 No. 31 – May 1982


Battle Prayer


Sermon by Rev. Dick Vander Vecht on Lord’s Day 52

Reading: Matthew 6:13

Psalter Hymnal: 137, 464, 480, 444.


The world today is gripped by the fear of nuclear war.  Peace marches protest the preparations for – even defence against – war.  Pacifism is becoming a more and more popular position.  The eyes of the world are focussed on the Middle East and on U.S.–Soviet relations.  It sometimes appears that we can only sit and watch the clock as it moves slowly, inevitably forward to the explosive moment, as if the whole world is involved in increasing hatred and violence that can only come to a climax in conflict.

We cannot say that these things are unimportant – they are vitally important.  But Christians can look deeper than the daily news reports.  They can see that war doesn’t begin when a nuclear missile is fired.  Today’s violence and all the problems in the world are the result of a battle that has been going on since the world began.

The Old Testament prophet, Elisha, was giving his servant confidence in God as the Syrian army attacked Israel.  He prayed that his servant be able to see.  And his servant saw, surrounding them, chariots and horses of fire.

If only we have eyes to see we will become aware of the battle going on around us.  Great weapons of death moving unseen past our lives.  The countryside strewn with casualties and corpses.  Tremendous warriors standing over us engaged in mortal combat.  Guardians at our side so silent, so efficient we never notice when they ward off a mortal blow, or when they urge us into the combat.

Whether we see or not we are involved in the struggle of light against darkness, the demonic hordes clash with the servants of light and where we stand in this battle means the difference between life and death eternally.

Jesus teaches us to pray as those under Attack by the Evil One.  We shall see that this Attack of the Evil One is:

            1.  Focussed on the Church

            2.  Designed to Destroy

            3.  Overcome Supernaturally

1.  The Attack of the Evil One is Focussed On the Church

The first thing we must admit is: we are not as aware of this as we should be – that as Christians we are looking down the barrel of Satanic artillery!  What other weapons does Satan need if he can close the eyes of his enemies?

When we look at the world we speak of certain “hot spots”.  An issue of Newsweek had a picture of El Salvador in flames on the cover.  Again – I’m not saying we shouldn’t be concerned about El Salvador or the Middle East but we need to see that there are spots much hotter more dangerous, places where battles rage with eternal life and death at stake.  The “hot spot” in this war are found in the Church, and where the Church meets the world.

We are given the idea by the world we live in that the Church is ‘just the Church’ to be a Christian is an individual choice which a few may desire but really it’s not important to anyone else.

If only we could recapture the vision Jesus has of his disciples as the disguised rulers of the world, the announcers of Christ’s Lordship who cause Satan to fall like lightning; those who sit on the throne with Christ even as they live like he did – with no place to lay his head in this world.

If our eyes were opened we’d see the lines of demon missiles all aimed at us and the whole Church.

When Jesus teaches us to pray he includes this Battle prayer: “Lead us not into temptation (that will destroy us) but Deliver us from the Evil One”.  The Father’s enemy is our enemy.  When we throw in our lot with Jesus Christ we must face the same struggle he faced as the Beloved Son – the struggle against the Tempter, the Destroyer, the Father of Lies, the Author of Death & Disease.  We can’t escape the struggle.  e.g.  in Canada several groups of European migrants settled with the hope that in that country they could be free from the requirement to join the military.  These were not unpatriotic but simply Pacifist.  In W.W.11 they were commanded to fight but put up such a protest that they were granted Conscientious Objector Status.

In the Father’s army there can be no conscientious objectors.  We are at war and to live means to fight!

2.  The Attack of the Evil One is Designed to Destroy

There are some poisonous gases like Carbon Monoxide which are odourless, colourless – their real danger lies in the fact that you can be surrounded by the deadly fumes but unaware of it.

All evil comes from Satan and its sole purpose is to destroy.  But yet he can get us so twisted around that we call evil good and good evil.  The example that strikes me again and again is the easy way we can sometimes make God responsible for evil.

When tragedy strikes we say, “God doesn’t make mistakes, his time is the right time.”  Or else we rebel and say “God, why did you do this thing?”  Now, I know these sayings come from our belief that God is all powerful and I don’t deny that God doesn’t make mistakes – the question is – are we seeing clearly?

The curse upon our world that came from the Tempter’s work and breeds death, sin, disease, pain and depression, is still the curse – the enemy, the hated thing – no matter what we believe about God.

It is one thing to say God can overcome evil – “Deliver Us from Evil” – It is quite another to say this evil came from God.  It is one thing to say the curse upon this world, upon us can be touched and healed so that as Paul says in Romans 8: “All things work together for good.”  It is quite another to think God wanted this evil to happen.  All evil comes from Satan and is Designed to Destroy.  Thank God He is Master of Evil – he can turn it to His good and our Good!

If we can simply accept great evils like death and disease and war as part of God’s plan” – “His good will” for us – what will we think of the smaller evils that plague & tempt us daily – we won’t take them seriously for a moment!

The Devils Destructive work should do two things to us:

1.  Arouse us to anger and hatred for the Enemy and the curse upon us all.

2.  Stir up in us the hope expressed by
            Paul: I am certain that nothing can separate us from God’s love
            neither death nor life, angels, other spiritual beings,
            present nor future, nothing can separate us
            from the love God in Christ Jesus!

3.  The Attack of the Evil One is Overcome Supernaturally

The Enemy takes the form of three enemies: the devil, the world and self.  Behind them is not just a force for evil but Supernatural powers leading all who follow to destruction.

Jesus doesn’t point us to our wills, our obedience, our anything in this fight.  He tells us to pray.
            Pray so that we are transformed.
            Pray so that the world is overcome.
            Pray so that the Devil falls like lightning.

We are not fighting people – but supernatural evil.  Every human attempt must fail.  Therefore when we meet the tempter Jesus says.  Pray.  Our contact with the Father is the one way to challenge the Enemy.  Only the Father’s hand which we can hold onto can ward off the devils attack.

The Battle is on!
  The hot spot is here and among God’s people everywhere.
  There is danger in the temptation to accept evil and not fight it.
  To live as a congregation of friends –
    not as those who depend on the Holy Spirit
            to keep us One and on the right track.
  To think it’s up to me to do the fighting.
  To accept the warmth and security of Church as a refuge
            instead of training for battle.

May the Lord Jesus lead us to see “the world with Devils filled.”
Luther describes and then takes the Father’s hand as we go into battle.

Did we in our own strength confide,
Our striving would be losing;
Were not the right Man on our side,
The man of God’s own choosing.
Dost ask who that may be?
Christ Jesus, it is He;
Lord Sabaoth His Name,
From age to age the same,
And He must win the battle.

And though this world, with devils filled,
Should threaten to undo us.
We will not fear, for God has willed
His truth to triumph through us.
The prince of darkness grim,
We tremble not for him;
His rage we can endure,
For lo!  his doom is sure,
One little Word shall fell him.
