Categories: John, Word of SalvationPublished On: May 28, 2024
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Word of Salvation – Vol. 19 No.41 – July 1973


The Blessing of The Spirit’s Convicting Work


Sermon by the Rev. D. K. Baird on John 16:8-11

Scripture Reading: John 16:1-15

Psalter Hymnal: 190; 129; 444; 404; 493


Some people are really good at comforting.  They can tell you the hard truth, and yet still give you the real comfort you need.  Others are poor at this: even if you are very sick they still claim you look great.  After they have gone you feel worse than ever.  You know that what they said was not true maybe it is even worse than you thought!

The setting of our text is just before Jesus’ death.  In chapter 13 we read the account of the Lord’s Supper.  At the beginning of chapter 18 we find him leading his disciples across the Kidron valley to the Garden of Gethsemane.  These chapters in between make up Jesus’ final parting words to his disciples.

It was a sad time.  He was about to be taken and crucified.  Then he would go away to the Father, leaving his friends behind.  And he does not hide any of these hard facts from them, for he wants them prepared.  So they are sad.

But being the real comforter that he is, he tells them something more.  When he goes he will send the Holy Spirit who will give them all the strength and comfort they will ever need.

The Holy Spirit does many things.  But today we want to mention his work of convincing of sin.  This is summarised in verse 8:

“…and when he comes, he will convince the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment..!”

This is something he does to others in the world, not to the disciples.  He works in this way on those who do not, at the moment, want Jesus.  But still, by doing this, he brings great comfort to the disciples.

We can see here that the Spirit convinces (or convicts) of three things, the first of which is:-


We noted a moment ago that the Lord Jesus told the disciples some hard truths at this time.  One such truth was that they would encounter much opposition to their work of speaking of him.  For example:-

 – in 15:18, “If the world hates you, know that it hated me before it hated you.

 – in 15:20, “If they persecuted me, they will persecute you…!”

 – in 16:2, “The hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God..!”

Hatred, persecution and even death – no wonder they felt down!

Although we in Australia are not under any threat of death, we are still faced with the problem of opposition.  People just do not want the Lord Jesus to be in charge of their lives.  In their jobs, in their homes, and in their recreation, each wants to be master of his own affairs.

Jesus says, “Love your neighbour as yourself.”

But they say, “Everyman for himself!
                         I’ll love when I can fit it in;
                         I’ll give when I have a bit left over.”

Who is listening to what we say?

If we offer Jesus as Saviour, they say, “We’re right thanks.”

If we say Jesus is returning, they just don’t seem to believe

Everyone laughs at Jesus, or ignores him.

His name is used as a swear word.

He is treated worse than the town drunk!

And worse – they see nothing wrong in such a way of life!

How do you feel when you see all this?

Does it make you sad?

Do you feel out of it that no-one wants to know you?

Do you say, “All our gimmicks have failed – it’s just hopeless?”

How can we ever make people feel they are wrong?

How can we ever make them want to change?

We can’t!

We can’t change their greed, their gossip and pride and lust.

But the Holy Spirit can!

“He will convince the world of sin.”

He is here in the world since Pentecost to do just that.

When he moves in, he starts disturbing.

Where sin was once laughed off, now the memory of it lingers on and worries.

Especially he makes you feel that without Christ you’re done and lost.

He makes you feel that, “he who does not believe is condemned already.”

He convinces of sin, because they do not believe in Jesus.

We can see this very thing happening at Pentecost.

Peter told the Jews of their sin: that they had crucified the Christ and rejected him.  And the Spirit took Peter’s word and greatly disturbed them.  They cried out, “Brethren, what shall we do?”

They felt they were finished because they had rejected the Lord’s Christ.  But no: Peter told them to repent and be baptised in Jesus’ name and they would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit for themselves.  This response came about because the Spirit was powerfully at work disturbing.  And surely this is what we need in our very undisturbed world of today.

Someone said that ministers should disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed.

Well brothers and sisters, if you are disturbed about the state of the world, these truths should comfort you.

Maybe you think,
            “If Jesus was still here with us, I would be big and brave.”
            “I would speak up for him for sure!”
            “But the trouble is he isn’t here, so I feel a bit weak.”

Brethren, the Spirit is here with us: how can we feel weak then?   Do you think, “No-one takes any notice of my Christian life or of what I say, What’s the use?”

Congregation, the Spirit is working too.

He is hammering home what you are saying.

All you say and do is being subsidised more than 10 to 1 in the hearts of unbelievers.

We must go ahead, knowing that the Spirit is there.

We have no excuse.  We are not on our own at all.


When the Jews looked at Jesus, they saw just a man.

Worse, they saw a sinner: someone who had broken the Sabbath laws, and who was guilty of blasphemy.

“He deserves to die!” they said.

“We will put him to death, and that will prove he was a sinner after all!”

If the end had been the crucifixion, it would have proved that he was a sinner.  He would have been a liar, for he said he would rise again.  But the problem was: he did rise; which proved he was just what he claimed to be: sinless; righteous.

And he ascended!

Which proves the Father was pleased with his perfect life of obedience.  He was not sent back to try again!

But how can you make people see that?

They pass Jesus off as less than he really was:
            perhaps as a good man with some good ideas,
            perhaps as a revolutionary
             or something very much worse.

But the Spirit can change them!

He can make people see what Jesus really is.

Not only did Jesus die for sinners, but he lived for them too.
Jesus ‘DID’, as well as ‘DIED’.

And the Spirit can make us see that Jesus obeyed for us where we disobeyed.
            If you have lied, Jesus has never spoken wrong.
            If you have been lazy, Jesus has worked hard.
            “I am unrighteous; Jesus is righteous for me.”

Now the Holy Spirit makes people see that.

“He convinces them of righteousness, because I go to the Father”, Jesus said.  He makes them see that Jesus is the perfect Saviour for them.  Just the one!

Let’s come a little closer to home.
  Most of us here would say, “Sure, I’m a Christian.”
  Well, then this means that the Holy Spirit has been at work in us.
  And he will have convinced us of sin and righteousness, so we trust in Jesus.

But when I speak of being convinced of sin, I don’t just mean that you say,
  “Yes I’m a sinner.  We all are aren’t we?”
I don’t even mean that you say,
  “Well the bible says all have sinned, so I guess I have too.”

No.  Many unbelievers know they do wrong.

Many even know what the Bible says about sin.  But if you are a Christian, then the Spirit will have given you a disturbing conviction of sin.

So that you feel horrible that you have sinned against the Lord.

You will KNOW it and FEEL it.

It is like the difference between knowing that fire burns, and actually BEING burnt and feeling it.  This is the saving, convincing work of the Holy Spirit.

AND if you are a Christian, you will have a conviction of righteousness.  And I don’t mean that you just say, “Yes, I suppose Jesus was a good man.’  Not even that you say, “I know the Bible says Jesus is God’s Son.”  Nor even, “I know Jesus lived and died for sinners.”

Even all that is not enough.

There are people who have been in church every week who will not be in heaven at all.

The conviction of righteousness which saves is:-
  Knowing, and feeling, and believing Jesus goodness & purity;
  And knowing he lived like this FOR ME.

It is saying: “Jesus is just the One for me – he has done what I could never do – live a righteous life.


The Jews were very proud of themselves for crucifying Jesus.  They felt they were getting rid of a pest, and doing God a favour.  They were upholding the Sabbath, and the traditions and keeping God’s people pure.

Also today we have the same type of folk around.

If you say that mankind is unrighteous, they will accuse you of destroying human dignity.

If you claim that Jesus actually raised the dead, they will say you are unscientific.

If you try to convert people, you are being bold and rude to buttonhole them so.

They may even quote the Bible to support their position.  But don’t worry: The Lord will judge all this.  There is a punishment coming on all such false ideas.

The Jews thought the crucifixion was right and a victory for them.  But actually it was the defeat of all their plans, and the defeat of the devil who thought it all up.

“The prince of this world has been judged.”

The sentence has already been passed.

Before long the punishment will be meted out.

Jesus broke the devil’s hold by conquering sin and death; and by ascending to the Father he proved that the devil and the Pharisees were wrong and doomed.  And now all corruption and evil in the world of men and women will soon end it’s only a matter of time.

“Flee from the wrath to come”, said John the Baptist.

Only the Spirit can make you see that this is fair dinkum.  When the Spirit shows you that the devil is defeated, you will see that it is time to get ready.  The front line troops have already been defeated, it will soon be coming our way.

The Spirit brings many to trust in the Saviour.  But there are many who turn away from his promptings.  Some come under his influence for a time, but as in the parable of the sower, they don’t last very long.

Through his word the Spirit has been influencing you in some way today.  The most tragic thing would be if you were to resist him or stifle him.  Even to say, “I’ll think about it later,” is tragic; for later may never come.

+ + + + +

“And when he comes he will convince the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.”

Well, he has come.  And this is the work that he is doing right now.

If the Spirit is working with you, do not resist him.

And when he speaks to you of sin make sure you are left nowhere less than trusting in Christ as your Saviour and Lord.

If you are worrying about how to change the world, and you feel you are getting nowhere, remember this: the Spirit has been sent to convince the world.  Press on, for we are working together with God.