Categories: John, Word of SalvationPublished On: September 22, 2023
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Word of Salvation – Vol. 27 No. 23 – March 1982


The Feast Goes On


Sermon by Rev. Keith Moerman on John 2:1-11

Scripture Reading: 1Cor.13:1-8a; Song of Songs 8:6 & 7

Psalter Hymnal: 324; 248:1 and 2: 371; 439:1 and 3


Boys and girls, young people,

Congregation of Jesus WHO GAVE US HIS FEASTDAY today……!

It is somewhere in the little village of Cana in Palestine….!  We don’t know the name of the bride and the groom…!  They are JUST people… anonymous: Mr. and Mrs. N.N., or perhaps we can call them Ben and Rachel.  He could have been the mayor of the little village or the local shopkeeper; he could have been a farmer or a shepherd or a carpenter like our Lord; but it also could have been the wedding of the garbo-collector and his bride…!  It really doesn’t matter that much… but the Lord is there… Jesus is at the party… and that is important.

It was a remarkable wedding party.  It started so good… but halfway it almost came to an untimely end… laughter changed into tears… (almost) and yet…?  Because of Jesus presence, the feast goes on… (and that’s that theme of the sermon) THE FEAST GOES ON.

In our text it is stated that Jesus: Did His first sign, miracle at that party and ‘manifested His glory’.  It’s a bit like the sun coming up over the horizon, the first ray of sunshine of a new day, a new era, people start to see the light, the first ray of promising light chasing away the darkness of the night of the world.  And His disciples believed in Him… they saw that light… and that’s what we, boys and girls, young people and all people in the church, have to see too.

And therefore when we attend this wedding, let us then look at the glory of Jesus…  the glory which only He can have.

Our Bible story tells us about a very unusual wedding present, which Jesus gave to the Bridal couple.  And really that’s not what we would have expected from a clergyman, a rabbi,… or really to be more precise, from the Son of God: such a strange present – wine, wine in abundance as a wedding present.

And not ‘a small bottle’ either, as we sometimes do when we give wine as a present to friends.  Jesus did not come with a bottle full, but with a bath full – an enormous quantity… it must have been more than 600 litres…  600 litres…  and that is a lot of wine….  and this was not to be thrown down the drain, but it surely went down the throat.  Why wine???  Wine stands for joy and gladness… wine stands for vibrant, throbbing living… wine stands for happiness… and isn’t the gospel joy?  Is not ‘Knowing Jesus’ the most happy and jubilant way of living????  Life with great excitement?  Six hundred litres of wine.  600 litres of ‘joy for living’.

Maybe we can learn here from our Lord the lesson that the gospel is a joyful affair’….  Jesus said: I came that they may have life and have it in abundance.  And, some people may well be putting up the little warning moral finger: uh, uh, be careful ‘danger ahead’ – Do not drink.  Some even claim it’s not Christian… and wrong…!

I cannot find that in my Bible… and Jesus Himself shows His glory, He manifested His glory, the text says, in giving wine as a wedding present… and that’s how He started His ministry.  Isn’t again, responsible living before the Lord, the answer?

The Lord Himself never condemned the use of things which can serve to the glory of His name and which can be used to help the happiness of people.  And whether He was allowed to or not, whether He was going to be criticized by others for what He did, ‘a wine bibber’, you remember, He said “This is my present for bride and groom: 600 litres of wine..!”  And therefore because of the wine the feast can go on.

But was that really the best place for the Lord to show His glory for the first time?  At a wedding party?  At a family gathering?  Is that the greatest need?  When people have been feasting for a few days already and now the wine is running out?  And must Jesus do His First Miracle, so that a party can go on???  Are there not far greater pressing needs in the world?

And I think here, for instance of other miracles which Jesus did, where you just about can touch the need.  Where it is written on the faces of the people… the blind, the deaf and the lame… or the hungry….!

Or I think especially, for instance, about that sad procession coming out through the gates of that little city Nain.  Four men, pall bearers you call them, carrying a cold coffin… and behind it a woman… a widow… and she cries her eyes out – oh what a sorrow: It’s all gone now… darkness all around her… first: her husband… that made her a widow… and now her only son, the breadwinner.  My God, it can’t be worse: my family gone.  And then Jesus comes… for ‘here’ is need… and He speaks to the dead boy: “Joseph, (or James, or Daniel)… come on, young man: arise!”

That is a sign, isn’t it?  That’s a sign of Easter.  Death where is your victory when you are on a collision course with the Lord?  That’s need – for Jesus brings a family together again… making a mother happy… and that’s a need isn’t it!!!!  But isn’t that exactly what Jesus is doing here???  Isn’t that precisely why Jesus manifested His glory and did His first miracle at Cana, ‘to make a family happy’ to give His blessing to the foundation of society; the family and make them happy???

Jesus goes back to the basics, the structure.  A man leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife… and they start together as a family.  But Jesus wants to be there for happiness.  Jesus wants always to be included… Jesus wanted to show His first miracle when He walked into the Wedding Hall at Cana – for Jesus always wants to be involved in the merging of two lives.  Jesus comes where ‘boy and meets girl’; where ‘man meets woman’.  Jesus wants to be present where the male and the female become one, as designed from the beginning.  And Jesus says: “I give you wine… I give you happiness… I give you a feast… that it may go on.”  And we can read about that in the Song of Songs (as long as we do not spiritualize the whole book, as so many people have tried).

Jesus wants to be there where the family becomes happy and solid and strong…. where there is love.  And if at any meeting between boy/girl or between man/woman… if at any meeting Jesus is not welcome… not wanted or if He is not allowed to see what you are doing, because it is all too hot… then unhappiness is sure to follow.

Jesus wants to be present – first of all: at the feast of the family, and that’s why He went to that wedding in Cana… He wants to be involved…. and it is so tragic that in our time it becomes so common and accepted to live in de-facto relationships not recognizing the presence of Jesus, even excluding Him.  But if the family suffers, then the whole society suffers… if the family breaks down… it all goes down the drain.

Young people, never-ever exclude Jesus from your courtship, do not even try it….  for you are courting disaster.  Jesus has a stake, an interest in the happiness of family… an interest in you… and therefore Jesus belongs at the wedding in Cana – For Jesus wanted to make it a long-lasting feast.  And, of course, it can be a feast…  for man and woman are created in the image of God for happiness… for living.  And when two people form a family what a new world of perspectives is opening up: friendship, service, sharing, comradeship, love, assistance, peace, enriching the life of one another.

And then when two form a family… it’s likely that children will be born; and women become mothers; and men become fathers; and then grandchildren… a family…!  And God so designed the whole pattern of life, of family life, and in the family, starting with the two, when decisions are taken before the Lord.  In the family all lines social, economic, spiritual, physical, all lines come together into one: a unity… and, “O Lord let it be a feast… and let the feast go on… keep it rich, Lord and full… let the wine (the happiness)… let it flow freely and… with plenty of laughter”.  And we need that sort of prayer… we need to keep it rich… for so often it can be so totally different.

Yes, I dare to say a marriage, a merging of people into one, and family relationships can be the most difficult thing on earth to keep it going, to keep it happy, to keep it rich.  People from different background with a different style of living, different interest, different character… and now a family… one!  Oh, at first on the wedding day: there comes no end to it all… all smiles, you can drown yourself in love.  Have a look at the Bride, doesn’t she look radiant and desirable, beautiful and sparkling?  We have plenty of wine, it’s bubbling all over….!  the Feast will go on, sure… the honeymoon will last forever… it’s not going to be dull… not in our case… we will never run out of wine, of happiness…!  Fill them up again… let us drink and toast and enjoy the feast of life and be in it.

Alas, how does it all too often go in marriage???  What does it mean ‘when the wine runs out’?  Well… that the colour is gone, no zest left… the thrill is no more… the amazement goes by the board… and love (whatever sort of love that might have been) takes a plunge.. like sometimes the shares on the stock exchange.. pfffff… down… worth a fortune today… not a cracker tomorrow.  It’s no longer ‘shining’…!  Many, many are ‘running out of wine’… and the feast is in danger of coming to an end… the family broken?  It has become a dull affair!?!

How many couples here in church today, do still have that same sparkle as when they got married????  Last year, 5, 10 or 25 or may be 40 years ago?  Only one did love to the end!  And that’s Jesus…!  We often love, yes we do: until someone steps on our toes.  Then we scream…. It hurts… And that’s why we run out of wine… And many couples who have run out of wine have split up.  There is nothing left: The feast is over… the party has come to an end… It’s all gone: “You go to the right and I go to the left… BYE BYE… and I wish you more luck next time…!  Or even… “I hate you….!”

And sometimes we can see it coming… that the wine is running out… and who are the first ones to notice that when things go wrong?  The mothers!  The ones with experience, with sharp eyes.  A Mother is often enjoying the feast in her own special way.  A Mother looks around whether all the other members of the family (of the party) are getting their fair share of things.  SHE IS CARING… and it is a poor person who never had or has a dear caring mother… and it is a cruel man who treats a caring and loving mother with scorn… who forgets her… (remember the 5th commandment).

And mother Mary saw the disaster coming up: the wine is running out… that means THAT THE FEAST IS COMING TO AN END.  And that’s going to be the talk of the town.  A scandal…!  The bridal couple, and in particular the Bridegroom, he will never outlive the shame.

And what do you do when you see that people whom you love ARE RUNNING OUT OF WINE, when relationships are going bang?  You can talk to them (and please do).  Or you can stand on your head; you can go and see other people, elders, ministers and the whole works, but very often IT DOES NOT HELP.  So MARY WENT TO JESUS..!  Do not, do NEVER forget that.  And all mothers ought to do the same, when problems are coming up, happiness coming to an end, MARY WENT TO JESUS.  “Help!”  People, when problems are coming up… go to Jesus.

We are a bit disappointed in the answer Jesus gave: “WOMAN, what have you to do with Me?  MY HOUR HAS NOT YET COME…!” In other words, Mother, I cannot go YOUR way… I have to go MY FATHER’S WAY.  But Mary, the Mother, was not disappointed.  There are some people WHO, after prayer, if they do not immediately get the answer they expect say: “I do no longer believe in prayer… it does not help anyhow…!”

But Mary was a GOOD LISTENER… And she sets an example to all of us.  She noticed in Jesus answer three things: He did not say ‘No’, (and of course Jesus never ever says ‘No’ if there is need).  Secondly: He did not say: That’s impossible (and you better believe it, nothing is impossible with God); and then thirdly: if she heard Him well, He said: “Not yet”… and that is really the same as: “Wait a while, I will do it later….!”

And then she goes to the waiters, the servants, and she tells them one of the most beautiful things – a piece of faith and trust…!  And this (by the way is the last recorded word in the Bible of Mary) and she says: “Do whatever He tells you….!” And she points with her finger, she points to Jesus….!  “Do whatever He tells you…!”  Men, waiters, servants… but also brides and bridegrooms, parents, people who have been married for a long time, fathers, mothers and un-marrieds, children, people, FAMILY: listen to Mother Mary’s LAST WORD: “DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU….!” (for that, that only, will give you joy, happiness, the wine to live).

DO… whatever He tells you… FOR THE FEAST MUST GO ON.  It may not break up… must not come to an end….!

DO… whatever He tells you.  And that means that Mary asked two things: She asked for TRUST in Jesus, and she asked for OBEDIENCE to Jesus…. and UNCONDITIONALLY… ‘whatever…!’

Yes, if the Lord is present at our FEAST, and there is a PRAYING mother, praying for her children… and people willing to trust Jesus, YES THEN THE FEAST CAN GO ON.  And the servants they had TRUST, had they ever….?  For they filled the jars to the top, to the brim… (almost overflowing).

And then with Jesus’ interference, His miraculous dealing, then only the real feast begins…  the best quality of wine… we may think it is almost over… but then it’s just starting.  Our end… is sometimes God’s beginning.  THE FEAST GOES ON…!  The Master of ceremonies, the steward of the house, was shaking his head, worldly wise guy that he was….!  That’s not the way THINGS ARE BEING DONE in the world….  You start to impress people: GOOD WINE first…!

There it is: GOOD, LESS and BAD.  You start off WITH THE BEST.  New brooms are always sweeping clean…. don’t they?  The first impression is the best.  And you have that ALSO IN LIFE, often in marriage, it starts SO BEAUTIFUL and GOOD…..  When you are just married: the best is not good enough.  The wife looking out thru the window for her husband to come home and when you are five minutes late, you hear: “Darling, I was waiting for you all the time.”  But after a while, may be when you are an hour late, you may hear: “What, you are home ALREADY?”.  And He: “O don’t wince, leave me in peace and let me read my paper.  He is married to his paper now, or his T.V. or his work.  That’s in the world: good, less good, bad….!  But WITH JESUS IT IS THE OTHER WAY ROUND.

In married life, in family life, in our faith relationship, when JESUS HAS SUPPLIED US WITH THE WINE OF LIFE, when there is sparkle, and zest, and love, then the FEAST NEVER COMES TO AN END… IT GOES ON… and it goes from strength to strength.  It goes from GOOD to BETTER to BEST…!  Hallelujah… with Jesus on board, Jesus at the FAMILY PARTY… Jesus presence at my home… GOOD, BETTER, BEST.

But do you allow Him in?  It’s a celebration today.  He has given you wine, happiness, resurrection, every Sunday: A FEAST OF LIFE…!  His Word; Himself; SUNDAY…; FEASTDAY….!  How important is Jesus’ presence to you…?

Is the FEAST STILL GOING ON IN YOUR LIFE?  THE FEAST OF YOUR FAITH, of YOUR LOVE for YOUR WIFE… THE FEAST OF LIVING ???  But we must invite Jesus to be with us.  We must listen to His words… and we must have eyes for His miracles… for His abundance in giving.  He gave wine at Cana… the wine for living and feasting.  The wine for zest and happiness.  He even gave Himself… and that’s when He gave wine for a second time… His blood… and we are reminded of that with every LORD’S SUPPER CELEBRATION… and that was FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS… HIS BLOOD and that was again for LIVING, now FOR LIFE ETERNAL.  Was that BLOOD shed for you personally?  Was it shed for your FAMILY HAPPINESS???  For that’s what He died for: To RESTORE broken and ruined lives… TO GIVE COLOUR TO LIFE, to make WHOLE what was broken before, so that the FEAST may go on….!

The feast hasn’t come to an end in your family life, in your marriage, in your CHURCH LIFE… in your RELATIONSHIP to JESUS?  THE FEAST STILL GOES ON, doesn’t it???  HE GAVE YOU WINE… HE GAVE YOU ZEST FOR LIVING……  Are you satisfied???  Halleluiah!
