Categories: Heidelberg Catechism, Word of SalvationPublished On: October 28, 2021
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Word of Salvation – Vol.41 No.37 – October 1996


God Provides Redemption

Sermon by Rev W Wiersma on Lord’s Day 28

Note: This short sermon can be used as a Lord’s Supper preparatory sermon  together with the long preparatory form, or in a service where there is no minister present.


Dear Brothers and Sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ.

We all need reassurance from time to time.  There are things in our life, things that happen in or around us, which make us ask questions – which create doubts.  And one of those questions that can plague us is the one: is it really for me?  Is there forgiveness of sins and acceptance with God for me?  May I say that I have hope of glory?  And in trying to find an answer to that question, we are often inclined to look for evidence within ourselves.

This morning I want to suggest to you that you look at the Lord’s Supper as an aid to faith.  Look at the Lord’s Supper as the Lord’s way of assuring you that forgiveness and eternal life are also for you.

First, then, let us look at the INTENT of the Lord’s Supper — what is it meant to do?

The second thing we should be clear about is the FOCUS of the Lord’s Supper.  What are we encouraged to look at?

And thirdly, what is the overall MESSAGE of what we see, do, and experience at the table of the Lord.


First, then, the INTENT of the Lord’s Supper is, I believe, that we will be united more and more to Christ’s blessed body.  That is said to be the work of the Holy Spirit.  In other words, the Holy Spirit uses the celebration of this sacrament to bring us closer to Christ and his body.  And that has two sides to it.

In the first place, being brought into closer contact with Christ and his body means that we come to appreciate our Saviour himself with all his love and practical care in our spiritual needs more and more.  We come to see how privileged we are to have such a caring, such a real and powerful Saviour and Friend.  And, under the influence of this Spirit, we begin to live our lives more and more like Christ.  Yes, it means we will allow him to influence and direct our behaviour and lifestyles.

The second side to being brought more close to the body of Christ is to be brought closer to fellow Christians.  The body of Christ includes the whole Christian Church.  And it is the intent of the Holy Spirit to use the celebration of the communion to teach us that in Christ we are one – we belong together – whatever our nationality, colour, character or record.  And because we are one in Christ, we ought to treat each other with respect and love for Christ’s sake.  We are precious to each other because we are precious to Christ.  We are part of the body of Christ.


Now I come to my second main point.  And that is the FOCUS of the Lord’s Supper.  It is a pity that for many people the focus at the celebration of the sacrament is not where it ought to be.  For many people the focus is on their own worthiness.  But that’s not what the Lord’s Supper is really about, is it?

Yes, in the preparatory form, and even in the Bible itself, there is reference to coming in a worthy manner.  There is a warning that if anyone blatantly and wilfully persists in sinful behaviour, such a person should stay away from the table.  But that is not the main focus of attention.

We are not invited to the table of the Lord to think about our worthiness or otherwise.  We are called to declare the death of Christ.  The focus is on the Lord Jesus Christ, and what he did for sinners.  His suffering and death – that’s what we are called to think on.  And what that suffering and death of Jesus means for us – forgiveness and eternal life!

Forgiveness – yes, of our sins – however terrible and unforgivable our sins might seem to us.  And sin is terrible, more horrible and offensive than we often realise.  But there is forgiveness – also for those sins of ours that make us doubt whether God would ever have anything to do with us.

Through Jesus’ suffering and death there is forgiveness for us who come to the table well aware of our transgressions – our disobedience to the commands of love – but who come looking to Jesus as the one through whom we are forgiven and healed.


Finally, let me say something about the overall MESSAGE of the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.  What is the overall impact of what we see, do, and experience here?  Is it not thankfulness?  Is it not joy – that God Himself has provided us with such a Saviour as we have in Jesus Christ?

Fancy, God Himself provides a way out of the house of bondage – the bondage of sin.  God Himself redeemed those destined for destruction.  Yes, that’s what we deserve – every last one of us.  If God would deal with us according to what we deserve, it would be hell for everyone.

But, God has sent – He has given us – His Son, who became man and suffered and died so that we might go free and enjoy the love and blessings of God and have the prospect of heaven – the hope of glory.
