Categories: Genesis, Word of SalvationPublished On: February 22, 2024
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Word of Salvation – Vol. 22 No. 39 – June 1976


Reuben Lost Much, Yet Did Not Lose Out


Sermon by Rev. Adrian Leenman, Th. Grad., on Gen.49:3,4

Scripture Reading: Psalm  97

Psalter Hymnal: 170; 94:1,2, (Law); 188; 200:8,9; 308; 490


Beloved Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Sometimes we hear of those special occasions where people have a family re-union.  Such an occasion is then celebrated because of an important anniversary or some other celebration where families come together.  Grandchildren and in-laws are invited and all in all it is quite a gathering.

And is it not so that at such a gathering past events are being re-called and memories refreshed and the events of the day discussed?

In Genesis 49 we have something similar; here old father Jacob is instructed to hold a family re-union, at which his 12 sons are to be present, and we assume that this gathering was also quite an event.

However there is one conspicuous difference between our family reunions and the one described in Gen.49.  The difference is that Jacob is to function as a prophet and as such he is going to make predictions about each son.

Jacob is given the binoculars of time to bring back past events and at the same time opens up the future in respect to each tribe and to give audible expression to what he sees.  Indeed, Jacob functions as a prophetic voice.  He functions as a true spokesman of God in respect to those around about him.  These prophecies also show us that the progressing drama of Redemption is in the process of reaching another stage……!

The promises given to Abraham – about becoming a mighty Nation and about receiving the land of Canaan – these promises had been passed on to Isaac and from there to Jacob.

Each one of these three Patriarchs were individuals, but this family reunion will show the promises are being widened.  When Jacob speaks with a prophetic voice the promise of becoming a Nation and the promise of occupying the land will come through much clearer and be brought nearer, on a much wider basis.

After all, here are twelve sons who would grow out into the 12 Tribes of the future Nation of Israel.

Indeed, it is going to be a solemn occasion, when Father Jacob will speak these final and prophetic words….. God-given words….!

It is understandable that Reuben, the firstborn, should come forward first and be addressed: Reuben, the eldest son of the marriage between Jacob and Leah.

This Reuben should receive a double portion, so we read in Deut.21:17.  He is the first-born son, the one with the oldest credentials, with natural rights; the one who was to receive Royal dignity and a sceptre to sway…..

Reuben is he of whom Jacob says: ‘You are my firstborn,
            the representative of my might,
            the first one to show my strength,
            you are the peak of my pride and power.
This is how Jacob regards Reuben…

I guess every parent is as keen to see steadiness and reliability in their children as Jacob was.

Reuben was a man who had been given the great responsibility and privilege, of being the head of a tribe which was an important part of the Nation of Israel.

But in reality Reuben’s life was a flop and had malfunctioned badly…  Reuben misunderstood his nobility and it is a serious matter, friends, when a man missuses or misunderstands his place in life or when he missuses his gifts and talents and privileges.

It is a serious matter when God allows a man to be somebody;
            when God equips a man
            when God lets someone possess property and goods
            and when such a person does not understand
                        his calling and duty on this score.

In such a case meaningful things become meaningless and therefore worthless – even worse – they have God’s judgment on them, because of misunderstood stewardship and management.

In Reuben we also discover the tragic transmission of the bad traits of Jacob, whose own earlier life was marked by blotches and stains.

– Jacob the deceiver, the strategist, the one who would plot in the dark, a true Jew in many of his dealings, but who now is “getting his own back”…
– Jacob, who stepped into an unhappy marriage with Leah, and who, to off-set this unfortunate move, married Rachel as well.
–  Jacob, in addition to these marriages, also had two other slave-girls in his household, their names being Bilhah and Zilpah.

As Reuben grows up, he becomes more and more aware of his status as the eldest son to whom God has given very special promises.  Reuben likes to boast about his aristocratic descent.

In his confidence and self-esteem he takes out Bilhah and sleeps with her for the night – we read about this in Gen.35:22.

This incident had tragic consequences, not only because of the sin committed, but also with so much blessing and so many future events hinging on Reuben, TO FALL SO DEEPLY meant a great deal.

If a high ranking inspector of Police is convicted of fraud, he not only loses his job, but is sentenced more severely than the man in the street who is punished for an ‘ordinary’ robbery.

The same applies to us who have been given a rich tradition to pass on and who with great conviction hold to the Bible.

We, who make lofty claims as to what we believe and reject, IF WE FALL, then our fall is so much more serious.  It is more serious than the failures of a humble soul who has only a shallow grasp of the Christian Faith.

So we see in Reuben decline and deterioration in his importance and eminence.  Jacob says of him: You are unstable as water.  Water, of course, runs wherever it finds a way whether it is wanted there or not; it just flows and spreads anywhere at all.

So Reuben shall not occupy a place of importance in the history of the Nation of Israel.

Reuben failed to respond to his privileges.  He failed to stand against the temptations which go hand in hand with occupying a place of importance.  No, firstborn son, you have given in to your over-strong urges and have made some quick decisions which led to most unfortunate consequences.  By doing this you have broken Father Jacob’s heart and have FORFEITED YOUR PLACE OF RECOGNITION AS THE ELDEST SON.

We can well imagine, congregation, that Jacob’s heart bled and, no doubt, memoirs of his own doubtful dealings and tricky transactions come back to the mind of the old patriarch.

Eldest son, God meant you to have your Tribe serve God in the Priesthood, but your brother Levi shall serve Him in that capacity…. in time to come…..

Eldest son, you were meant to be instrumental in the coming of the Messiah, but it shall not be so…. from now on all the promises pertaining to the coming of the Messiah, will have as focus point: JUDAH….

Eldest son, you will not be the rallying point for the other Tribes, but you will settle in later years on the East side of Jordan and become attached to your flocks and herds.

There is the old saying which goes like this: Like father, like son, but in the case of Reuben it goes even further, and we can safely say: Like tribal Leader, like tribe…..!

Do we realise, friends, that in later years the Reubenites have never been known for anything outstanding in the history of their tribe?  Not during the conquest of Canaan, not during the time of the Monarchy, nor during the time of the Divided Kingdom.

Not in times of national danger either.  Think of the time when Jabin the King of Hazor, together with his General Sisera oppressed the Israelites greatly for twenty years.

During this time Barak – greatly encouraged by Deborah the prophetess mustered all the able-bodied men from among the Tribes for warfare against Jabin.  After the victory Deborah composes her song of Liberation.  And do you know what Deborah says about the Reubenites?

In Judges 5 we read that the people of the Lord marched down against the oppressor.  From Ephraim they set out, followed by the men from Benjamin and the soldiers from Zebulun and the volunteers from Issaschar came as well.

“Why did they tarry among the sheepfolds?
 To hear the piping for the flocks?”
And then we read these same words again:

The Reubenites were too busy with their flocks and herds.  When it came to assisting their brethren, they never advanced any further than ‘discussing the matter’.

Let us now seek to discover why Jacob portrays Reuben as one who is unstable and who lost his place of importance.

The answer to this question is that Reuben had failed to realise that he had been given a great responsibility.  There is even more to it: It is not only a matter of not seeing one’s responsibility BUT A MATTER OF ABUSING THE TRUST WHICH WAS PLACED IN HIM.  And therefore Reuben was no longer acceptable as Tribal representative with a distinct commission.

Reuben failed to see that RESPONSIBILITY BRINGS A CROSS….!  Instead, he was out to exploit his God-given privileges, he was the person who was out for a maximum of good times and a minimum of duties.  REUBEN DIED – so to speak – BY LIVING.

And so Reuben is regarded as an anti-type of Christ, a man whose character is quite the opposite to that of the Lord Jesus.

Jesus had FULL RIGHTS and TRUE GLORY – He gave His rights away and laid aside His Glory.  Jesus continually served and faithfully adhered to a maximum of duties……!

As a matter of fact – He came to serve and in His serving He visualised a Cross before Him……
  This Cross would become the instrument of His death……
THE great contrast is that JESUS LIVED BY DYING – REUBEN DIED – as to his important place – By LIVING

Do we see this, congregation?  People who do not understand what is required of them or who cannot come to a consistent conclusion on any matter VACCILATE and are IRRESOLUTE.

We see this repeatedly in the life of Reuben as well as in the Reubenites.  Do you remember the occasion when Joseph visits his brothers when they are far away from home?

The brothers wanted to kill Joseph, this ‘dreamer’ brother.

And do you remember in what way Reuben reacts?  HE COMPROMISES and says: Would it not be better if we lowered Joseph in that dried-out water-hole?

Oh, yes, a weak sense of responsibility pops up in him occasionally.  But are we not much the same?

At times we hit on something which looks to be an improvement but after some time we lose it again or are inconsistent enough to keep it going and so we become a true Reubenite again.

We meet with such experiences in our spiritual lives, in Church life perhaps as a congregation.

We see it in the lives of others, we experience it in our own lives.  But we may take courage.  Old Testament stories of loss and failure ARE NOT WRITTEN to show that there is no light nor hope…….!

Nor are they written to discourage us.

There is WARNING not to fall into the same sins;

There is the illustration of man’s corruption

There is also the encouraging note.

But let’s listen to what Moses says in his farewell speech about Reuben.  He says in Deut.33:6. “Let Reuben live and not die, nor let his men be few.”  Indeed God’s plans are wondrous and wonderful.  Here Moses makes it his prayer to let Reuben live and be numerous.

God is still pleased to let Reuben play his part in the history of Israel.  God would remove important functions and positions from Reuben and give them to his brothers, but the limitations go no further.

Reuben still contributed to God’s army by way of men.  Though LEVI WAS TO SUPPLY the officers being the priestly Tribe and JUDAH WAS TO SUPPLY the Commander-in-Chief – the Lord Jesus Christ.

In this way Reuben was given a relatively unimportant place but IT WAS A PLACE…..!

Reuben forgot all about the cross in his life, he hid as the eldest son BEHIND HIS FATHER WHO WAS THE PATRIARCH…….!

Sometimes we are inclined to hide behind the Reformers who have their theological views so correct and their teachings lie anchored in the Confessions of the Church.  Surely we are safe.

And saved….!

But let us seek to be guided by God’s Spirit and have His Word as the touchstone and standard for our lives.

Centuries later there was John the Apostle who was also given the binoculars of time and John looks into the ‘end of time’.  He mentions the names of the Tribes and includes Reuben in Rev.7:5 and he says: There are 12,000 sealed of the Tribe of Reuben – a large number saved of the tribe of Reuben – saved, because these Old Testament children of God BELIEVED in the promises given by the God of Israel AND because one day, on a Hill called Calvary, the Lord Jesus died for people like Reuben…….!!
