Categories: Daniel, Word of SalvationPublished On: May 2, 2023
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Word of Salvation – Vol.  37 No.  21 – June 1992


The Fiery Furnace


Sermon by Rev.  D.  J.  van Garderen on Daniel 3

Reading: Daniel 3


Dear congregation,

Nebuchadnezzar had a short memory.  When Daniel had interpreted the dream which had troubled him so greatly, he had acknowledged that Daniel’s God was God indeed.  Such beautiful words!  ‘Your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries…!’ (2:47)

Words are cheap.  Furthermore, is it not the right of a supreme dictator, the king of the kings of the earth, to change his imperial mind?  Dreams soon recede into the background.  Ever-increasing military and political success, honour piled on honour, and flattery that convinced him of his glory, made his terrifying dream easy to forget.

Therefore, as a monument to the glory of the Babylonian state, as its supreme power and the greatest king who ever lived, (himself!), Nebuchadnezzar called for the construction of a giant statue!  Huge!  30 metres high and 3 metres wide.  It was Gold-plated and therefore a sight that must have been awe-inspiring.  No, we are not told what the statue looked like.  A pillar?  A Babylonian god?  The emperor himself?  We don’t know.  But one thing is sure, the statue pointed to the glory and power of Babylon; the glory, power and supposed supremacy of humankind as ruler and master of the earth.  The kingdom of the world is represented here and, note well, this kingdom must be worshipped.

A royal extravaganza, a ceremony of extraordinary importance, colour and music was planned.  The whole world (satraps, prefects, governors, advisors, treasurers, judges, magistrates and all the other provincial magistrates) gathered at Dura to witness the dedication feast.  As a climax, when all of the musical instruments sounded the fanfare, all were commanded to ‘Worship the image of gold that king Nebuchadnezzar has set up.’  Babylon rules!  There is but one true and glorious kingdom that controls the affairs and destiny of all people that dwell on earth.  The state is the only comforter, the only help and deliverer of mankind!  The giant statue is an awe-inspiring symbol of the kingdom and power of the world.  Now worship it!

Of course, not everyone will believe in or want to worship the statue.  There are always ‘enemies of state’ – rivals and fundamentalist fanatics who oppose anything new.  Enforcement is therefore necessary.  It was not a matter of ‘you may worship’ but ‘you must’!  The penalty for failure to comply was a grisly form of execution …  being thrown into a blazing furnace.

1.  The Issue at Stake

Three men refused to obey.  It wasn’t long before the Babylonian secret- police, the Chaldeans, (NIV = astrologers) reported to the king.  These three Jews ‘pay no attention to you, O king.  They neither serve your gods nor worship the image of gold you have set up.’ (3:12)

Royal vanity was stung to the core and royal fury, predictably, erupted.  The three came before the king.  Is it true?  How dare you?  Are you not aware of the penalty?  Can’t you see that you are playing with your very lives and that, if the king decides, nothing can save you from his will and power?

It is at this point that the real issue comes into view.  In the previous chapter the message of the dream of the statue had pointed to the ultimate truth about the kingdom of God.  The day will come when the rock (i.e. God’s kingdom) will totally wipe out the kings/kingdoms of this world.  The statue will fall and the kingdoms of this world will be like chaff on the threshing floor in summer.  But what about now, what about in this present age?  Babylon has the power, the dominion, the glory and might and seems to be in control.  But who is really in control of this world until the Kingdom of God comes?  Who rules over this world until the Lord Jesus comes again at the end of the age?  Does God and His kingdom rule at this point of time, or not?

Nebuchadnezzar believed that he and his Babylonian empire (the state) ruled over and determined the destiny of all men in it.  Jews, even pious God-fearing Jews like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, lived and were as ‘free’ as the king permitted them to be.  To prove this, Nebuchadnezzar had only to ‘ban’ the religion of the Jews and enforce this by means of a fiery furnace.  What the king in effect said was this: ‘God, you and your followers can do whatever you like, provided I, the emperor, allow it.’  The king of this world believed that he ruled over the King of heaven!

It is an old, old story with a very contemporary ring.  Time and again worldly rulers and authorities have believed and demanded that God’s kingdom bows down to them.  Lenin and Stalin of Russia believed that the Peoples’ Republic ruled the land and the hearts of the people.  The church was made the servant of the state and the people were permitted to believe only what the state decreed.  Adolph Hitler also believed that he could use the church in Germany and make it a part of his propaganda machine.  His ideology captured and called for absolute allegiance of the minds of his subjects.  Mao Zedung of China believed the same.  As do the present-day leaders who decide what the official church may believe or do or say!  No criticism of government.

Well, is it true?  In the days of Nebuchadnezzar, who was in control?  Did Nebuchadnezzar rule over God and His kingdom, or not?  Whose hand is in control, Nebuchadnezzar’s or God’s?

The three men of our story became God’s instruments to bring this issue into the open and illustrate the answer.  In God’s name and in utmost reliance on what they believed about God’s glory, majesty and power, they said: ‘O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter.  If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve will save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king.  But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up’ (3:16-18).

Nebuchadnezzar responded characteristically.  ‘Burn them!’  The temperature of the kiln-like furnace was kindled to its maximum.  Royal anger really wanted heat!  The three were thrown into the blazing furnace.

2.  The Sign of God’s Supremacy

Miraculously the men didn’t burn up or even get singed!  Only the ropes used to bind them were burned.  Nebuchadnezzar who had wanted to satisfy his anger by seeing the execution of the faithful three, saw something else.  The three accompanied by a fourth person were walking around in the fire!  The Angel of the Lord, God’s messenger, was visibly present.

Congregation, I believe that the Angel of the Lord was seen by Nebuchadnezzar in order to teach him and Babylon a very simple truth.  Who kept the three men from being burned up?  Not their own strength!  Not their own supernatural power!  These very ordinary flesh and blood men were saved and protected by the Lord God himself.  God Himself intervened.  God Himself saved the men from the blazing furnace.  He rescued them!  See it with your own eyes!  Look Nebuchadnezzar and see!  And seeing this the king testified saying: ‘Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who has sent his angel and rescued his servants …’ (3:28a).

No wonder that Nebuchadnezzar reacted as he did!  He saw as never before that the God of gods and Lord of kings, was the Lord whom the three men served.  Babylon bowed before the God most high whom Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego worshipped.

3.  Divine Supremacy Today?

A wonderful story to illustrate a wonderful truth.  That same truth still holds today.  The super-powers of this world, no matter who they are, whether they be of the left or the right, capitalist or communist, Russian, North American, Chinese, are still able to have and exercise power only to the extent that God permits them to.  Whether men and their empires believe it or not the King of Heaven is ultimately in control.  He reigns.

And now for the contemporary question: Who in the world today needs to be convinced of that?

An immediate and very natural response to this question is: Babylon of today.  Wouldn’t a modern-day miracle be marvellous?

This response just sat there like a great big wall as I struggled with the message Daniel 3.  However, a nagging question just would not go away.  I kept on asking myself, ‘Would something like that really convince the world rulers of this present darkness?  Well, would it?

As you ponder this, consider two things:

Nebuchadnezzar himself.  Think of the king and his fellow Babylonian advisors.  Were they convinced?  Was anyone converted as a result of seeing or hearing about the flaming furnace?  Sure, Nebuchadnezzar honoured the Lord and went as far as referring to him as the greatest and most spectacular of the gods.  He would tread more carefully in future.  But believe?  Make further enquiries?  No!  The king’s memory was too convenient to be troubled by things like that.

There is the parable that the Lord Jesus told about the rich man and Lazarus.  Remember it?  Luke 16:19-31.  The rich man in this story was in hell whilst Lazarus was in heaven.  First the rich man asked for some water from the tip of Lazarus’ finger.  Eventually, concerned about his five unbelieving brothers, he pleaded, ‘Let him (Lazarus) warn them so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’  Abraham (who was standing beside Lazarus) replied, “They have Moses and the Prophets, let them listen to them.’  ‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.  He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead’ (Luke 16:27-31).

History proves that.  We have the supreme sign.  God in the flesh!  The ‘Angel of the Lord’ whom Nebuchadnezzar saw is, I believe, an Old Testament appearance of the Lord Jesus!  This Jesus dwelt on earth for 33 years.  He spoke, prophesied, testified, did signs and wonders and yes, ultimately proved that he had conquered sin and death.  We have Christ Jesus.  The flaming furnace is but a small prelude, a sign or indication of the greatest sign of all ages, namely Calvary’s cross and the empty tomb, the fact that death has been swallowed up in victory!  (1Cor.5:55).  And is Babylon convinced?

To be sure, Babylon needs to be convinced!  I pray for that!  But as the Lord Jesus himself has indicated, unbelievers and the powers of this world will not be convinced and believe until it is too late.  Only the day of judgement will finally break their pride and unbelief.

That leads to the other possible answer to the question.  I ask again: Who in the world needs to be convinced that God reigns and rules over all?

The answer, and this is the real focus of Daniel 3, the answer is: We as Christians, as God’s children do!  You see, for us as believers what we see, hear and experience is so often totally at odds with what the Bible says.

Let me give you a few examples.  What evidence is there that God still rules and controls the government of this land?  Whatever and whenever Christians, in Christ’s name and for His glory have stood up for Christ’s truth and principles, what happens?  Why no victory in the matter of abortion legislation?  Why is it that sodomy is now a permissible activity and that it can be publicly proclaimed as an alternative life-style?  Why does our country bow to the wishes of the Muslim community in not screening a film which mildly attacks Muslim attitudes to women but why does the chief censor give a blasphemous film like ‘The Last Temptation of Christ’ a RP 13 (General Exhibition) rating?  Why these and countless other things?

The Shadrachs, Meshachs and Abednegos are there.  Men and women of faith who, like the faithful three, ‘trust in their God, defy the king’s command and are willing to give up their lives rather than serve and worship any other god except our own God’.

And is God still in control?  Does he indeed rule?  If the three were continually in the presence of the angel of the Lord, are believers today being guarded in a similar manner?  I mean to say, is God and is His Kingdom indeed in control of this world?  We sing “The Angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them …’ (Ps.34:7).  We take Jesus at his word when he says: ‘And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age,’ (Matt.28:20).  But is he?

See now what the testimony of Daniel 3 is.  It is a vivid reminder from heaven of a reality that is as true as it was then.  For all the seeming glory, power, dominion and control of the world today.  God is still in control.

Today, even more than the flaming furnace, we have as the sign of this a cross!  Here, even in dying, in the agonising death of Jesus where the world thought it was celebrating the ultimate victory over God, what happened?  They killed Jesus!  They thought to stamp out his message, his kingship and his kingdom!  And what happened?

The ultimate weapon of the world is death.  The world thinks, ‘We’ll kill them and that will finish them!’  Will it?  Does it?

Today we have before us the effect and ongoing power of the one who conquered on the cross.  That effect and ongoing power is the church, the gathering of God’s people everywhere.  Yes, they’ve murdered millions.  But what has happened precisely in those areas where persecution has been most vicious and where the blood of martyrs has run like a great river?

Congregation, even today, God reigns!  The story of the flaming furnace is being confirmed over and over again.  Hallelujah!  Therefore strengthen your weakened knees!  Get out from hiding and stop cowering in the face of Nebuchadnezzar and his great empire.  Our God reigns and we who are in Christ, reign with Him.

We are more than conquerors.  Therefore, ‘Onward Christian Soldiers.’