Categories: Daniel, Word of SalvationPublished On: March 22, 2023
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Word of Salvation – Vol. 31 No. 29 – August 1986


The Fiery Furnace


Sermon by Rev. C. W. Oppelaar on Daniel 3

Reading: Daniel 3

Singing: PsH. 324; BOW 51:1, 4; PsH. 284:1, 3; BOW 13; 9; 902.


Beloved congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In Paradise God proclaimed that there will be enmity between satan and his children and Christ and His church.  Satan will cause Christ and His church to suffer much.  But the victory will belong to Jesus.

This is the essence of history: The battle between these two powers and Christ’s victory and that of His believers.

In our text we read of a great moment in that history.  We see satan attacking Christ and His people.  We see God’s children witnessing and suffering for this Lord.  We see Jesus and His church victorious.

1.  The church of the old dispensation is in Babylon.  A people in exile.  God’s people in the power of the gentiles.  Satan can be satisfied.  The Lord is angry because of Israel’s sins.  He has forsaken His people.  Well, here is satan’s opportunity.  Maybe he can destroy the faith of God’s children.  Destroy the kingdom of God.  And destroy the Christ Who was in Israel.

Yes, it is satan who inspires Nebuchadnezzar to erect that colossal golden image and to demand all the people to worship at its feet.  Was it an image of Nebuchadnezzar himself?  We do not know and it does not matter.  It certainly was an image symbolizing the great power of Nebuchadnezzar and of Babylon, that great heathen power.  Babylon had conquered the children of God.  Babylon thought itself stronger than the only true God, who made heaven and earth.  Inspired by satan, Nebuchadnezzar is not satisfied with just possessing that power.  No, it must be glorified also, and worshipped.  That is why there is that golden image.  That is why all nations represented in Babylon are called upon to kneel down before the image and worship the idol of Babylon’s power and glory.

It is a magnificent worship.  All the officials of the great empire are there.  There are all kinds of music bands there.  And the image is made of gold!

Satan knows how to make the worship of his idols pleasant to the flesh!  Yes, but there is the ugly side as well: a burning fiery furnace nearby.  Someone might refuse to worship the idol.  Such a person must be punished.  Satan cannot allow anyone to worship the only true God.  His intentions are totalitarian.  All shall bow down before him.  And that person who refuses shall pay for it and be destroyed.  That is how it was in Babylon.  That is how it is throughout the ages.  The methods differ!  The essence remains the same!  Always an idol that has to be worshipped.  A beautiful idol.  Something pleasant for the human heart.  Always the threat, too, for those who refuse to worship that idol.

Do you recognize satan’s idols of our time, congregation?  The almighty state that takes care of everyone and decides upon everything.  And money, the tremendous idol of our day.  And science.  Science which has to tell everybody what is truth, what is the way to happiness and to life.  Science that despises the Word of the living God.  So many idols can be mentioned.  Behind them stands satan.  Trying to rob Jesus of His glory.  Trying to get everyone on his knees before the creature instead of before the Creator and His Son Jesus Christ.

It is all so beautiful.  The splendour of the world is great.  The glitter of money and power and science is magnificent!  Yes, but there is also the ugly, fiery furnace.  Woe unto those who refuse to worship the idols of our time.

Many faithful children of God behind the Iron Curtain and the Bamboo Curtain know about that.  And we too, will know about it, if we refuse to worship the idols of our time.  If we refuse to join the world in its pleasures, ideas, plans and evil works.

Satan is still tempting God’s children.  Are you aware of his temptations?  Do you pray against them?  Do you take part in Christ’s battle today, in good faith?  Do you worship the Lord and the Lord alone?

2.  There were 3 children of God in Babylon who worshipped the Lord and the Lord alone.  They were the 3 friends of Daniel.  He himself was not present at the festival.  When the music played and everybody knelt down to worship the golden image, they remained standing.  They were a very, very small minority.  There must have been many children of the Covenant present.  It does not say that they kept standing too.  There are always those in the church of Jesus who join the world in worshipping its idols.  So, Daniel’s friends were a very small minority.  Only three!  Great courage is needed in such a situation.  The courage that faith receives from God.  Upon much and earnest prayer for God’s Spirit and for His grace.

See how the Lord strengthens these three men.  When they disobey the emperor’s command, the whole festival stops.  They are brought before the angry ruler.  “What have you done?”  “Was it on purpose?”  “I cannot believe it!”  “Well, I will give you one more chance!”  “But you shall go on your knees!”  “And if not… the burning fiery furnace shall be your punishment.”  “And no God will be able to save you!”

And these 3 heroes of faith!  They boldly speak of their God, Who is the only true God.  They want to worship Him, and Him alone.  And not the golden image of Nebuchadnezzar.  Will the emperor kill them?  Their God will decide about that.  Their God is the Almighty One, Who is able to save them.  But even if He lets them suffer and die… they will not kneel before the golden image.  God is their covenant God.  They love Him alone.  They trust in Him.  He is their God of grace and mercy, Who will never forsake His children.  They love Him in life and in death.  And Him alone.

“No, Nebuchadnezzar, we will not bow before your image.”  So they speak.  So they withstand satan.

Presently they are cast into the burning oven.  Yes, but it is a sign of their faithfulness to God and His Word.  Be sure, congregation, that hell shuddered at that moment.  And satan was defeated…!  Here was a spiritual power satan could not conquer!

Here was the victorious power of God’s grace and Spirit.  That victorious power of the Lord is badly needed in the anti-Christian world of our day.  And the Lord will give His grace to us.  Satan’s temptations are incredibly great today.  And many of those who call themselves Christians, are worldly minded.  They live for what is visible and pleasing to the human heart.  They follow the world in its worship of the idols.  I mentioned some before.  We shall be a rather small minority if we do not compromise.  If we seek a holy life; if we seek a Spirit-filled life; then we shall have the world and many church people against us.

Certainly, it is difficult to worship only God.  To say “no” to the demands of satan and the world.  And it will become more and more difficult, as the anti-Christian tendency increases.  I mentioned the Iron and Bamboo Curtains.  I could also mention certain Roman Catholic countries, where the fiery furnace is burning bright.  And what about our own country?  What about this proposed Bill of Rights?

Oh, if the Lord Himself were not willing to help us.  But, thank God, He is the God of strength and grace.  He made Daniel’s friends into towers of strength.  He is able to strengthen us also.  After Pentecost even more than there in Babylon.  If only we ask Him for His Spirit.  Then He will make His strength perfect in our weakness.  And with our children we shall be able to say “no” by word and by action to satan and to all the idols of the world.  We shall be able to worship God and God alone, and to witness, to suffer, and if need be, to die for Jesus.

What will it be, young people?  The idols?  Or the Lord?  Oh, flee into the arms of Jesus, your powerful King.  He will make you strong, too, if you pray Him for His grace and Spirit.

3.  How furious Nebuchadnezzar got when our 3 friends refused to worship his idol!  He commanded to make that oven as hot as possible.  Then he had God’s servants cast into it.  Well, that was that.  Nebuchadnezzar would teach that God of Israel a lesson.  With pleasure he went to take a look into the fire, to see the rebels burn.  But… what he saw was something quite different.  Not three burning servants of God.  No, but four men, walking through the flames victoriously.   One of them bright and glorious as an angel from heaven.

Nebuchadnezzar knew: I am defeated.  The God of Israel is stronger than I am.  Stronger than all the gods of this world.

And when the three friends had come out of the fire, and when not even the smell of fire was found on them, Nebuchadnezzar gave glory to the God of heaven and earth.  And he commanded all nations to worship that mighty God of Israel, Who is able to save from death and destruction those who worship only Him.

We are not going to discuss who that 4th man was walking in the flames.  Just an ordinary angel?  Or the Angel of the Lord: Christ Himself?

We are not going to ask what kind of conversion was experienced by Nebuchadnezzar.  God only knows.

We are going to see in this the God of heaven and earth.  God Who is victorious in the battle.  God Who puts to shame, satan and the world.  God Who saves His elect in Jesus Christ.  God Who rewards those who earnestly seek Him in Jesus Christ His Son.

Not all God’s faithful witnesses are saved in a miraculous way as Daniel’s friends were.  That was only a sign.  As there have been many signs of God’s miraculous power and saving help in the history of the church and of missions.  Read about them, congregation.

Most of God’s children are not saved that way in days of persecution.  The Name of the Lord often has to be glorified by their suffering and death.

But the story of our text teaches us: that it is never due to God’s lack of power when the Lord suffers His children to be persecuted and to die for Jesus’ sake.  He does so only to show the world that His grace can make His children faithful even unto death.

And the story of our text teaches: the final victory belongs to Jesus and His Church.  Satan, world and idols, they will not prevail!  The hour will come that all will see it.  When Jesus comes with all His angels and all His saints.

And among the saints all those who have suffered for His sake.  Look, they wear the white garments of victory.  And the Crown of Glory.

While satan, world, idols, apostate church people are thrown into God’s burning fiery furnace, God’s faithful children may enter into the city of God, of which the gates are 12 pearls and the streets are of gold.

Brothers and Sisters, serve the Lord and Him alone.  Love Him alone.  Live for Him.  Your Saviour.

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.