Categories: Acts, Word of SalvationPublished On: January 6, 2023
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Word of Salvation – Vol. 35 No. 24 – June 1990


Going And Coming In Glory


Sermon by Rev. D. J. van Garderen Acts 1:11

Reading: 1Thess. 4:13-18; Acts 1:1-11

Singing:  Hymns 221,42,317,368,359:2,3,4; 366


Dear Congregation,

The ascension of Jesus is nothing new for us here this evening.  We have read about it, thought about it and listened to quite a number of sermons about it as well!

And yet, if we would be honest, all of that doesn’t add up to that much.  If you want to test this, imagine having to explain to someone just what is so important and glorious about the ascension of Jesus!

In the Reformed tradition.  we have the Heidelberg Catechism which devotes a section of Lord’s Day 18 to teaching us the meaning and implications of Christ’s Ascension.  Remember it?  It points to three benefits:

1.  Christ, now ascended into heaven, is there to plead our cause, intercede for us!  We have an advocate in heaven.  Heaven is no myth unless Jesus ascended into nothingness!

2.  Christ’s bodily ascension is a sure pledge, a guarantee that we too shall inherit and have a place in heaven.

3.  The Spirit, which Jesus and the Father sent from heaven, is a further guarantee and means of our eternal future in heaven with Jesus.  Unless the Lord ascended we could not receive the Holy Spirit!  The Spirit’s presence – sent from Jesus, is in this sense the sign that the ascended Jesus is alive today.  If Jesus were not alive, there would be no Holy Spirit!

However, this evening, rather than consider one or each of these three themes, I want to share with you in the symbolism and hope the ascension of Jesus points to in the life of Christians.  I want to do that by considering the meaning of the message of the two angels who spoke to the eleven disciples just after Jesus had disappeared from sight.  Let us look at the text and its context.

The Scene of Acts 1:6-12

Forty days had passed since Christ’s resurrection from the grave.  A whole list of appearances are recorded in Scripture.  Jesus had used that time to instruct and teach his disciples about himself and the true meaning of the cross and victory over sin and death.  Acts 1 records the last appearance and the very special disappearance of Jesus from his disciples.  Final instructions, the commission to the disciples and the blessing came from Jesus.

“After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.” (1:9)

The disciples obviously knew that this gradual disappearance from their sight was different from the other times this had happened in the last 40 days.  This was final.  Therefore we read that they were “looking intently” into the sky.  Towards the heavens.  Intense looking because they were amazed and marvelled at this special and most unusual sight.

Why this kind of ascension?  Why this gradual ascending?  Why in particular the cloud which took him out of their sight?  Is all of that important or noteworthy?

There is indeed very special significance in this whole scene.  It is for this reason that the Lord sends two men dressed in white (angels) to explain and enlighten the disciples.  Whenever a divine event or revelation needs explanation, God sends his angels to do this.  Therefore, listen carefully to their message to the disciples and let us ponder on it.

“Men of Galilee, why do you stand here looking into the sky?  This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”

1.  The Way Christ Ascended

In what way did Christ ascend?  Vs.9 said: “he was taken up… and a cloud hid him from their sight.”

That is noteworthy for a number of reasons.

a.  This special being taken up without dying reveals the great glory that belongs to Jesus!  Remember some of the Old Testament saints who were “taken up” in a similar manner?

 – There was Enoch (Gen.5:21-24).  He walked with God and was no more because God took him away.  Heb.11:5,6 attests that Enoch was one who pleased God.  He was taken up to show that God was glorifying him.

 – There was Elijah (2Kings 2).  Remember how being taken to heaven in a fiery chariot indicated the great glory God bestowed on this great prophet?

In the New Testament that testimony to the glory of Jesus at the ascension is seen most clearly in 1Tim.3:16.

“Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great:
He appeared in a body,
was vindicated by the Spirit,
was seen by angels,
was preached among the nations,
was believed on in the world,
was taken up in glory.

The ascension, Christ’s being taken up, was heaven’s announcement of Christ’s glory!

b.  That there was a cloud which took Jesus from the sight of the disciples was also of tremendous significance.  Do you remember when Jesus was on trial?  In Mark 14:61,62 (and parallel passages) we read that the high-priest asked Jesus:
   “Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?”

The response of Jesus?
  “I am.  And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the mighty one and coming on the clouds of heaven…!”

This answer would have been known word for word by the high-priest already!  After all, Jesus was quoting the Old Testament.  Daniel 7:13 states:

“In my vision at night I looked and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven…!”

What do these clouds that took Jesus away from the sight of the disciples mean?  That the glory of the Lord Jesus is the glory, the majesty, the power of the Messiah!  This cloud in Acts 1:9 which the disciples stared at with such intensity was the symbol that Jesus’ words to the high-priest and to every scoffer and doubter are true.  Heaven underlines them by means of the cloud which took Jesus our of earth’s sight for the last time.

The glory of Jesus is the glory described in Daniel 7:13ff.  Don’t ever forget or doubt this, you whose eyes are turned towards Jesus!

2.  The manner in which Christ shall descend

The Ascension of Jesus forces us to look to his coming back to this earth as well.  He is coming back!!  “He will come back in the same way.”

Almost 2,000 years of waiting has tended to dull the vision and hope that the promise of the two men dressed in white gave to the church of all ages.  Yet it is true isn’t it, that the emphasis of the text is on the greater glory and majesty of that future moment when Christ returns “in the same way”.

What does this “in the same way” point to?

a.  First: the same glory!  The glory of the ascension of Jesus shall be matched with the future coming again.  It will not be under the humble circumstances of the birth in Bethlehem.  It will not be becoming flesh via another mother like Mary!

On the contrary, “in the same way” points to the kind of description found in 1Thess.4:16, “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet call of God…”

b.  In the second place, the same cloud will be present!  Listen to this testimony of Scripture:

i)  Mark 13:26.  This is that great section in which the Lord foretells his coming again in glory.  Vs.26 describes the scene:
“At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.”

ii)  Parallel passage, here in Matthew 24:30.  I quote it because it sheds even more light on this future:
“At that time the sign of the Son of man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn.  They will see the Son of man coming on the clouds in the sky, with power and great glory.”

iii)  1Thess.4:17.  We read here that believers will join with Jesus in this descent.  The scene is described as follows:
“After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up with them (the departed saints!) in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.”

iv)  Finally, look at Revelation 1:7 which again points forward to the return of Jesus.  The description is glorious:
“Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and all the people of the earth will mourn because of him.  So shall it be!  Amen.”

Why this emphasis in Scripture on these clouds?  Why that cloud that took Jesus out of sight and why that cloud present when he returns?  It is not that he needs it as a vehicle, as a means of travelling from, heaven to earth!

That cloud symbolises the glory and presence of God the Father.

Isn’t that in fact what Scripture illustrates again and again?

a.  In the Old Testament:

i)  Remember the pillar of cloud which guided and protected the Israelites as they journeyed through the wilderness?

ii)  Remember the thick darkness, the cloud which covered the top of Mt. Sinai as the Lord met with and gave Moses the Ten Commandments written with his own finger?

iii)  The opening of the temple in the days of Solomon again shows the symbol of God’s dwelling there as a great cloud descends onto the temple and comes to rest over the Holy of Holies!

b.  In the New Testament:

i)  Mark 9:2ff relates the transfiguration.  Jesus took three disciples up onto a high mountain and, upon meeting with Moses and Elijah, was transfigured before their eyes.  Peter suggested making three booths.  He said this out of pure fright.  We read on:
“Then a cloud appeared and enveloped them, and a voice came from the cloud: ‘This is my Son whom I love.  Listen to Him!” (Mark 9:7)

This means therefore that the ascension of Jesus underlines and truly emphasises the real presence of God the Father.  We are shown Christ Jesus ascending, and being taken up into the presence of God… into His sovereign greatness, power, glory and boundless majesty!  And, as the men dressed in white testify, we are reminded of the coming again of Jesus, “in the same way”.  The same glory, that same cloud symbolising that same presence of the Lord God.  The glory of Jesus shines more clearly as we hear this message.

3.  The Message to the Church on this day.

Where does this take us in our worship today?  What is the message of Christ’s ascension in the light of Acts 1; 11?

The focus is on Christ.  Doing that, we are, by God’s grace and Spirit, granted a tremendous encouragement as believers!

a.  Did you see the way He ascended, disciples of Jesus?  Did you above all see the cloud that took Him out of their sight?  He ascended in glory and to glory, into the glorious presence of God, the sovereign Ruler and Lord; Creator of heaven and earth!  With Christ seated at the right hand of that presence, can we not be more confident than we often are in our intercession to God through Jesus!  Look where the one who loves you is!  Our confidence and assurance in Christ’s glory and power to grant whatsoever we ask for in prayer; our assurance that he loves and will always surround us with that which is good; our trust need know no boundaries as we look at his ascension!

b.  Did you hear about the cloud in terms of the coming back of Jesus?  It is in the same manner.  The cloud shall be present there.  It is so easy for Christians to lose confidence in Christ’s return and what he will be able to accomplish.  In fact given the 20th century with its nuclear capacities, with its power to wipe the entire population off the face of the earth many times over, given the uncertainty of it all… is Christ still relevant?  Does Jesus still fit?

Christians… the cloud of God’s presence!  The power of the Creator is what Jesus is all about!

That is our assurance and confidence!

What then of the ascension?

In a nutshell… isn’t it a glorious revelation of God which is from beginning to end a tremendous comfort, encouragement and above all source of assurance?

Isn’t it time we were reminded of this and took hold of this more firmly?