Categories: Ephesians, Word of SalvationPublished On: December 31, 2010
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Word of Salvation December 2010



By Rev. Peter Smit

(Sermon 14 (final) of a series on Ephesians, Series Title – Ephesians: Portraits of a living church)


Text – Ephesians 6:13-17


Spiritual warfare is real. Jesus faced it, the disciples faced it, and if you’re a Christian you’ll face it. We saw last week that our struggle; our up close and personal wrestle, is not against human forces but rather against spiritual rulers, authorities, and powers in this dark world; Satan and his rebellious demonic angels.


You ignore this at your own peril. If you desire to grow as a Christian you will come under attack. It may be temptations to steal, lust, covet and disobey any of God’s commands. You may be assaulted by unreasonable fear, or doubt, or overwhelming depression. Satan’s accusations can steal your joy and rob you of assurance.


Not only can you be the target of attack, if you are not careful you can be used as a pawn in Satan’s hand. He can fill your heart with pride, prejudice, self righteousness and a critical and divisive spirit. So it is critical that you are aware of your enemy, but you also know how to do battle with him.


Last week we looked at awareness strategies that the Bible gives us about the evil one.

You must acknowledge your need of God’s strength.

You need to know your enemy, his schemes and that the battle is spiritual.


Today we’re looking at the second half of this passage which outlines:


Bible says like a soldier of Christ you must…

a) Put on God’s armour. Verse 11 and 13


11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Ephesians 6:11


13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Ephesians 6:13


Put on the armour of God. Paul pictures a soldier of the day – equipped and ready for battle. He says “put on the full armour”. A half armoured soldier is going to be a dead one.


Verse 11 and 13 tell us that armour does two things.

First it protects you when you’re attacked by the devil’s schemes.

It shields you from the power of his lies, deception, accusation, and temptation.

The armour protects you and deflects attack.


Secondly it helps you stand your ground when “the day of evil comes”.

Bible tells us in the last days there will be a great tribulation. The church will come under severe spiritual attack. In Matt 24 Jesus said,

21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.


Jesus said that the faith of some will fall away. The time of tribulation will come just before Jesus second coming. But “the day of evil” can also come before then. Eph 5:15 tells us that “the days are evil”. Just like Job discovered, Satan can attack, he can assault a follower of Christ and inflict evil days on people now.


But through Christ we can stand against it. The bible says “resist the devil and he will flee”. 2 Cor 10:5 says the weapons we fight with have divine authority to bring down strongholds of doubt, insecurity, pride, rebellion, hatred and division.


Why? Because Jesus Christ is on the throne. Jesus Christ defeated the prince of this world (Satan) at the cross. Jesus cast out the ruler of this world. Jesus won the victory over sin and death. The person that trusts in Jesus will discover that his truth will set them free. Free from condemnation, free from shame and guilt, free from the power of slavery to sin. In Christ you can receive power to overcome.


But what do we see in the western world? We see the church, complacent. We see the church unprepared. We see the church ignorant of the battle; not grounded in the word, not filled with the Spirit. A weak and unprepared church cannot stand in the battle and will become the devil’s pawn or the devil’s prize target.


That’s why Paul says to us all, remember who you are. If you’ve submitted to the Lordship of Jesus, remember that Jesus has made you alive. Remember you were once an object of wrath, yet he saved you by grace. Remember that he has seated you in the heavenly realms with Christ Jesus. Because Jesus is Lord over the powers, you too have his divine power to overcome them, by the blood of the lamb and word of your testimony.


Church of God: we must not fear. We must act. We must clothe ourselves with the armour he has provided. Whole armour here is represented by a Roman solider. Six main pieces.


( Show picture of soldier if available.)


Let’s look at them and how they protect us.


i) Belt of truth

The belt of truth buckled around your waist,

Underneath a roman soldier’s armour was a foundation garment. A leather apron or belt. It was like breeches. This tough garment was fastened tight around the waist protecting vital inner organs and it made rapid movement easier. Paul says our first piece of armour is a belt of “truth”.


Lies obscure reality. Lies hid e what is real and true. Satan is the father of lies. He loves to breed misunderstanding. He loves to twist truth. He loves to obscure it.

Romans 1:25 speaks of evil people and says, 25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie


But you must buckle up with truth. God’s truth must be tightened around you. Jesus said the truth will set you free. Knowing God’s truth is the start, but where there is misunderstanding to humble yourself and seek the truth. Ask God to reveal it to you.

1 Cor 13:6 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.


Satan will attack you with lies. You must know God’s truth and obey it seek the trut h in all things. Without this, every other piece of armour is useless.


Second piece,

ii) Breastplate of righteousness

with t he breastplate of righteousness in place.

Paul’s quoting here from Isaiah 59:17 which talks of God taking action to deal with sin and those who disobey him. It says

17  He put on righteousness as his breastplate,

and the helmet of salvation on his head;

he put on the garments of vengeance

and wrapped himself in zeal as in a cloak.


God puts on his righteousness as a breastplate.

He prepared himself for battle, so you should too. Paul says you need

the breastplate of righteousness in place.

A Roman soldier wore a breastplate. It was leather overlaid with metal, and it protected the chest in battle. This piece of frontal armor was vital for protection of the chest, lungs, and heart. An arrow shot from 20 paces left only a light scratch on it.


It’s a breastplate of righteousness


Righteousness has two aspects.


First it means that God justifies you . God covers your sin, declaring you righteous because of Christ’s atoning work on the cross. Theologians talk of Jesus’ work on the cross being a propitiation for sins. Which means through Christ, God turns away his anger for your sin. He declares you righteous.

That is a powerful piece of armour for a believer. Why? Because if Satan can rob you of your assurance that God has saved you, he has mortally wounded your faith. You’ll be weak against sin, not sure of God’s love, you’ll be constantly fearful and anxious.

But when this hope is in your heart, that God has saved you, he has declared you righteous, he has said, I have turned away my wrath on your sin by pouring it on Jesus; and that there is no condemnation for you; that is freeing. That truth will conquer every fear and doubt if you believe it.


Secondly the righteousness here also means living a morally right life .

2 Cor 6:7 Paul says he holds the “weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left”. When by the Holy Spirit’s power, you strive toward a morally right way of living in thanks to God, then your Christian character and conduct itself will be a breastplate. Like God you can move forward toward the enemy with bold confidence. Because Satan can’t accuse you of sin. Righteousness will protect you.


Third piece

iii) Feet fitted with gospel readiness.

15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

Roman soldiers wore a “caliga” on their feet. It w as a half boot, made of leather. It left the toes free and had heavily studded soles. They were tied to the ankles and shins with ornamental straps. They ensured mobility for a long march, and they prevented the foot from sliding.


In the fray of battle if you lose your footing , you lose your advantage. A Christian is to be equipped with gospel boots. That means readiness, preparedness, and firmness.


God wants us to be tip toe ready to announce the good news of peace; the good news that Jesus Christ died for your sins; that you can be forgiven. The good news that Jesus ascended to heaven and he rules; the good news that you can be part of his kingdom and receive the free gift of eternal life if you repent and believe the good news about him.

How can that be armour? Because the message of the gospel triumphs over evil.

Church , are your feet fitted with gospel readiness?

Are you ready to share this gospel of peace?

Isaiah 52:7 says

How beautiful on the mountains

are the feet of those who bring good news,

who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings,


Pray that God will enable you to use your feet to take the gospel to your neighbours.


Fourth piece is the

iv) Shield of faith

16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.


The word “shield” used here ( thureon ) was the shield the heavy infantry used.

A large, oblong one, 1.2m by 0.75m which covered the whole person. It was made of wood and covered with leather. The soldier would wet the shield before battle, so that if flaming arrows were fired the arrows would be extinguished. When marching into battle after Roman legionaries closed ranks, the front row holding shields forward and those behind them holding shields above them, they were virtually invulnerable to any attack from flaming arrows.


( Show two pictures of shields used in defense if available)


Church your shield is the shield “of faith”.

You use it alongside your belt of truth. The shield is God’s truth held up in trust.

So when the fiery arrows and accusations come, you hold up the truth of God and trust him to bring it to pass. When Satan’s arrows come you extinguish them by saying “I will put my trust in God, I believe God will help me. I trust his word.”


I distinctly remember a time when I was really sick with a bad virus, I had people come and pray for me. And the next day, I remember, lying out on the back lawn dry retching.

I was totally spent. And I remember this accusation came into my head. It said “why do you trust in God and pray when this is how he responds to your prayer.” It was as clear as day. I turned to the origin of that thought, and said, “I will trust him no matter what. Get behind me Satan”

That was using faith as a shield. You deflect his accusations. You refute his lies.

Then arrows don’t land, they don’t cripple you.


Like Job you say.

15 Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him; I will surely defend my ways to his face.

16  Indeed, this will turn out for my deliverance… Job 13:15-16


Maybe some of you are facing really difficult times, dark days. God says to you hold up your shield of faith. Trust me and believe.


The fifth piece.

v) Helmet of salvation

17 Take the helmet of salvation

The bronze helmet, equipped with cheek pieces, was necessary to protect the head. Only an axe or hammer could pierce the helmet.


Our head piece is the helmet of salvation.

It’s a confident expectation of the full salvation when Jesus returns. When you’re in battle, when it’s hard, when you’re under attack there’s one thing that keeps you going: Hope. Hope that no matter how thick the battle, or how hard your circumstances that Jesus Christ is with you. Jesus has saved you and is preparing a place for you in heaven.


That means everything to persecuted Christians who’ve lost loved ones to religious persecution. That means everything when your home has been destroyed because people hate you because of Jesus. It means everything to you when people persecute you, hate you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of your faith in Jesus.


Keep that helmet on your head, covering your mind. Let the bright day of Salvation spur you on to keep at it, no matter how hard and at times discouraged you can feel.


The last piece of armour is your only weapon.

vi) Sword of the Spirit

A sword can be used for attack as well as defense. The sword ( gladius, 20–24 inches long) was a weapon used in close battle. It was a short sword. Paul tells us that this sword of the Spirit is “the word of God”.

God’s word has power to cut through lies, deception, and deceit.


Hebrews 4:12 says,


For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”


The Book of R evelation pictures Jesus in his glory and it says of him.

out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword Rev 1:6


Jesus fought of Satan’s te mptations by quoting scripture. Scripture is a powerful weapon against temptation and deception. Don’t let your sword get rusty. Don’t let it go blunt. Be in the word, meditate on it, feed on it. In spiritual warfare you will need to counter attack. You need the sword of the Spirit God’s word to cut down Satan’s lies. Know it, memorise it, wield it.


Church we are engaged in a battle with a real enemy. At the name of Jesus, Satan and demonic forces will cower, they will flee. We shouldn’t overestimate him, nor however should we underestimate the forces of evil.


God says to you be strong in God’s power. Stand firm against the evil one. And most importantly put on your armour. Don’t walk around unprotected and defenseless.


Put on the belt of truth, the breastplate of Christ’s righteousness, the gospel ready feet, shield of faith, helmet of salvation and the sword of God’s spirit the word of God.

Be ready and prepared battle. So you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.


And remember, in Jesus Christ you are more than a conqueror. As you live in his word, and filled with his Spirit you will overcome and and after you have done everything, you will stand. Ephesians 6:13

Let’s pray.