Categories: Revelation, Word of SalvationPublished On: March 1, 2003
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Word of Salvation – Vol. 48 No.11 – March 2003


LORD of Lords and KING of Kings!


Sermon by Rev J Goris

on Revelation 17:14

Scripture Readings:  Psalm 90; Psalm 2; Revelation 17:1-14

Suggested Hymns:  BoW 145; 90a; 330; 519; 525


Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

History is full of major events. Some of these events become household names. Everyone knows about some recent events that have shocked the world. Like September 11, 2001. It still dominates the thinking of many, and the sight of those planes plunging into the World Trade Centre will stay with people for a long time. It stunned the world and stopped its trade in its tracks.

Some people have become household names. Like Osama bin Laden. The conflict in the Middle East is still with us. It’s like a powder keg, ready to go off at any time. One wonders if the centre of things is going right back to the region of the original Babylon?

History is a bit like a motion picture. Events and people follow one after another. In fact, the Book of the Revelation to John is like a huge motion picture. Even the “The Lord of the Rings” movie cannot match it in terms of grandeur and reality, as well as its fascinating plot, and its great Producer, the LORD OF LORDS AND KING OF KINGS!

1. History follows its course

Who is really in charge in this world? Who is really deserving of our fascination? When we look at history as it unfolds before our eyes, we would love to know HOW it all fits together, but we don’t know it. Yet, we DO know Him who fits it all together.

And HE, the Lord Jesus Christ, hints at that great conflict between the Kingdom of God and the kingdoms of this world, when He spoke about His church and the opposition from the “gates of hell” (Mt 16:13 ff).

This verse in Revelation 17:14 sums up the theme of this whole book, even the entire Bible: “They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because He is the Lord of lords and the King of kings – and with Him will be His called, chosen and faithful followers.”

Its parallel is found in Psalm 2. Who is everyone up in arms about? It’s the Lamb! But a lamb is rather innocent and harmless! Ah, the Bible uses some amazing imagery here: this Lamb is called the Lord of lords and King of kings! That’s no mere empty title.

In the history of this world He appears insignificant and harmless. He is the UNSEEN ruler behind the scenes. And the striking thing is, that though His enemies outwardly deny or ignore his existence, nonetheless they fight Him up to the hilt.

They will make war against the Lamb…!

This is exactly the key to understanding history. This is what we face in this present world, an opposition to the Lamb. But that opposition is camouflaged, it is hidden in that they make war against the followers of the Lamb. That is why it is so hard to be a Christian if you really take a stand for the Lord.

Already in the gospel Jesus speaks about this to His disciples (Mt 10). The Lord sent out the twelve disciples and He tells them that they will be like sheep among wolves. They will face persecution and arrest. All kinds of trials will have to be faced. But always behind the scenes is the Lord of lord and the King of kings.

We must remember that the Kingdom of heaven is hidden. It is hard to believe that the really victorious force in this world is so much covered up. We DO have to live by faith, and not by sight!

But, of course, the amazing thing is that the world knows the reality of the Kingdom of God, and opposes it. That’s why there is persecution. “They will make war against the Lamb…!”, says our text.

Who are the “they” that make war? They are called the “kings” in Revelation 17, as well as in Psalm 2. There’s first of all the Dragon – that’s the leader of ceaseless opposition against the Lamb. And then there’s the harlot Babylon – that’s the seductive, unfaithful woman, as over against the New Jerusalem, the faithful bride of the Lamb.

Finally, you also get the entourage, who, you could say, are like the troopers of the dragon. There is the beast out of the sea, which represents worldly empires, and there is the beast emerging from the earth, which represents the false prophet uttering the ungodly thinking and the pagan philosophy of the world.

So this is what we discover here. Throughout history these opposition powers have been warring against the Lamb, the Holy Son of God, who became Man to be sacrificed for us as the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.

In His days on earth this war was directly against the Lord Jesus Christ, while before and after that it was indirectly against Him, and directly against His people, for they are the visible representation of the Lamb.

We need to often ask each other this question: are you visible as such? We must not hide our Christianity. We must be a salt and a light, for that is the Lord’s purpose for us in this holy war.

Verse 6 of revelation 17 tells us of the gruesome aspect of this war. There is outright persecution, but there is also seduction (vs 2) – even when you are faithful you will feel the power of temptation.

Revelation 17 also mentions Babylon. It stands for the centre of this world’s power-system and its attractiveness, all that it has to offer. Think of it, its top pre-occupation is entertainment to satisfy all the desires of mankind.

There is exploration and exploitation of every avenue of seduction. It was initially the screen (cinema and television), but there were still restrictions. There is the production of pornographic literature, and now the internet with its even greater pull of so-called “safe sex”. But it isn’t safe, it is most destructive! It tears lives and relationships apart! This kind of pleasure madness, arrogance, presumption, blasphemy, etc, was the kind that made the Roman Empire what is was in its day!

And when it comes to the crunch it demands worship. Worship of the dragon, and his instruments (see Revelation 13).

What are we to learn from all this, brothers and sisters, young folk? Well, God gives us a perspective on history! We might be tempted to think like the world, going by what we can SEE, since we cannot see the Kingdom of God openly triumphing.

Rather we see evil triumphant. It seems there is more sense in satisfying the senses, being sensual seems more natural! Catering for the appetites of the eyes – the more hard porn, the better ??. And the appetites of the ears – the more decibels, the better!??

We see a world that is anti-Christian, and it does not normally occur to us that the world is infuriated against Christ, for they can’t conquer Him! We see that history follows its course, but God is at the helm.

In the midst of its unfolding gloomy message, the Book of Revelation gives us a glimpse of glory, exposing the Majesty of the Lamb (Rev 14:1) in the midst of God’s people, who are described as the 144,000. Then in chapter 15, while the powers of darkness are still around, the song of victory is already being heard. When in chapter 16 the bowls of God’s wrath are being poured out, evil still seems rampant, but all along God is in control.

The book of Revelation has a most powerful message for those who live by faith, and who know the reality of it. That is the perspective we must always have with us: Come what may, we are NOT in the hands of fate!

Let’s not be swayed by what is visible, by what conveniences or inconveniences us, by what scares or scolds. There’s a war on! But be sure of this, we are NOT in the hands of the powers that can be seen, but of the power of Him who can’t be seen, and HE is guiding history to its goal, and folding it up. That’s the significance of the message of the book of Revelation.

2. History folds up

Eventually there will be the unveiling of the Lord of lords and King of kings. In all His glorious majesty He will appear. He will show the world that the Kingdom and the glory and power belong to Him. Until that day, we will have to TRUST His Word. We do that in all other matters, too.

In one sense the world has always been extremely interested in what is said or written about the end of the world. Around June/July 2002 one issue of “TIME” Magazine devoted its leading article to the message of the Apocalypse (Book of Revelation).

Of course, in the church renewed interest re-emerges all the time. Think of Hal Lindsey’s book, “The Late Great Planet Earth”, and the more recent publications of Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, whose book “Left behind” and other titles in that series have become best sellers, with millions of copies sold. But mere interest in these things does not make you part of the Kingdom, or guarantee a place in heaven.

Therefore notice those who are His, and who share in His victory too. They are the “called, chosen and faithful followers” (vs 14). They have not worshipped the image of the beast (Rev 13:15).

How do we recognize them? John Calvin used to speak of people’s calling with a big ‘C’. He made a distinction between a big and ‘C’ and a small ‘c’. The calling with a small ‘c’ is related to the scheme of things in this present world, in the way Jesus put it in Luke 14:14 ff,”buying a field, or buying a yoke of oxen, or marrying a wife…”

But the calling with a big ‘C’ is related to the scheme of things in the future world, like the Kingdom of God and its righteousness (Mt 6:33). Our problem is that we tend to make our small calling BIG, and our big calling small. That’s idolatry. The big calling should come first! We should not live OUTSIDE of this world, but though IN the world, the world’s priorities should not dominate us. Think that through! Work that out in daily situations!

“Called, chosen and faithful followers”. Called, because we are chosen to serve God’s glorious purposes. Faithful, so as to provide the outward evidence of the call and choice of God (cf 2 Peter 1:10).

We are certainly not meant to sit back and let things happen! We have an active part in God’s plan. Even the Book of Revelation has its evangelistic emphasis.

History is coming to an end. Each one has his or her feelings about that. There is a great deal of personal experience as we live in our time slot in history. There are both exciting and depressing events.

No one can fathom all that for another, or even for oneself, but the Lord of history knows. As much as he is the Lord of lords and King of kings, he is the Lord of all things in your life, too.

It is extremely comforting that the Lord of lords and King of kings has come to rescue frail and fallen, timely humans, to give them a future and a hope. And when you know that, and know the Lord of lord and King of kings, then you may go on in life with the certainty of sharing His victory!

“And they will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings – and with Him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”

Yes, …with Him, with Him……..with HIM! You too??
