Categories: Matthew, New Testament, Word of SalvationPublished On: February 17, 2025
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Word of Salvation – Vol.23 No.52 – September 1977


Let The Children Come To Me


Sermon by Rev. J. J. Van Wageningen, B.D. on Matthew 19:13-15

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 6:1-9 and Acts 2:32-42

Psalter Hymnal: 307:1,2; 222:1,6; 235:9; 418; 150; 414:3,4


This is a simple story.  Everyone is able to understand it; grown-ups and children, learned and unlearned men.  Whether we really understand it, that will become clear in the daily practice of our life.

Jesus says:
We see:
He teaches them a lesson concerning the Kingdom of Heaven.

He lays His hands on them and blesses them.

He approves of their bringing their children to Him.

  1. “Children were brought to Jesus that He might lay His hands on them and pray.”

The disciples rebuked the people; they scolded them.  We can easily imagine how it went: The Master is busy; He is teaching the people, helping and healing them; so many people come to Him with their needs.  The disciples are tired, and then some people come with children, with little children!  And they do not just stand and listen, no, they want to draw Jesus’ attention to their children: He must place His hands on them and pray.  That is just too much for the disciples.  Stupid people!  Children do not understand a thing of it.  Jesus’ words are far too difficult for them; and His time is so occupied.

The teaching and work of their Master is according to the disciples, a grown-ups’ affair.  What have children to do with a Kingdom that will be established?  Bluntly they tell these mothers, “Go away with your children!”

Jesus interferes.  He wants the children to come to Him, and He states the reason: “For to such belongs the Kingdom of Heaven.”  Our Lord teaches here something about the Kingdom of Heaven in connection with these little children: “The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such.”  The disciples apparently do not understand yet the real meaning of Jesus’ teaching concerning the Kingdom.  From other places in the Gospels it is clear that they think about an earthly Kingdom, and that they begrudge each other with great jealousy the highest positions.

What does it mean that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such little children?

Jesus is not sentimental about children.  We can notice that for example in the parable about the playing children: they play a game of weddings or a game of funerals, and it ends in a quarrel….!.  Children are often restless, irritable, wayward, discontented.  Jesus knows that children, little children, even new-born babies, have a sinful heart, a sinful human nature.  So the meaning cannot be that the Kingdom belongs to little children, because they are still pure and holy.  No.  On a previous occasion the Lord put a little child as an example before the proud and jealous disciples to show them the attitude, the mentality, which is necessary to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  A little child is weak and helpless; he depends on you; he simply trusts you; he believes what you tell him and accepts your promises.

These are the marks of the citizens of the Kingdom of God.  For not only little children are meant.  No, the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to SUCH AS THESE.  In other words, all those are included who have and show the same childlike attitude with regard to Jesus and His Kingdom.  This is a lesson for the disciples and for us.  It is a serious warning!  Don’t think that everything is O.K. when you are a member of the church.  Don’t take for granted that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to you and that you belong to the Kingdom of Heaven.  The question is, are we humble, meek, lowly before God and men, like a little child?  Or are we proud, self-willed, stubborn?  Are you weak, a helpless sinner in yourself, and do you completely depend on God’s grace in Christ?  Or do you think that you are quite a good Christian, better than others?  Are you self- righteous?  Do you accept God’s Word?  Do you simply trust and obey, as a little child, without questioning, without objections?  Or do you always say, “Yes… BUT..!”, and do you stick to your own ideas and criticisms?  These questions are very serious.  They are of the highest importance: you yourself are involved, your life as a Christian here and now.  Are you a real Christian, a true child of God?  Are you a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven?

“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom, FOR IT BELONGS TO SUCH AS THESE.”

  1. Jesus and the children.

The little children are welcome!  To the astonishment of the disciples the Master pays special attention to them.  He invites the mothers with their little ones, “Come!”  and the grown- ups must even make room for them.  These mothers did not fully realize who Jesus was, but it is clear that to lay His hands on their children and pray, and that they expected a special blessing for their children if He would do so.  It shows that Jesus made a deep impression on the people.  He taught as no one else did; He taught with authority.  He did works as no one else did, wonderful works..!

And now Jesus fulfils the wish of these mothers!  He lays His hands on the children and blesses them.  Calvin writes that this was not a trifling or empty sign.  For Christ could not present the infants solemnly to God without giving them purity.  So He prayed for them that they might be received into the number of the children of God.  Hence it follows that they were renewed by the Spirit to the hope of salvation.  In short, by embracing them He testified that they were reckoned among His flock.  With these words Calvin shows something of the riches of Christ’s blessing and prayer.  He is the Saviour.  He shed His blood to save not only grown-ups, but children as well.  Our children are the lambs of His flock, of which He is the good Shepherd.  Truly He fulfils Isaiah’s prophecy, “He will feed His flock like a shepherd, He will gather the lambs in His arms, He will carry them in His bosom.” (Isaiah 40:11).  How tender is His loving care especially of the little ones!

There are (many) children here in church and we are thankful for that, for they belong to the flock.  We hope they hear and understand the message.  The Lord Jesus says to you, boys and girls, “You belong to Me, I love you, I sacrificed Myself for you, I cleanse you from your sins, I give you a new heart, I make you truly happy, I take care of you.”

He said so already when you were baptized as a little baby: When the water was sprinkled on you, Jesus was there, He called you by your name, He laid His hand on you and blessed you, He prays for you.  Truly this is the most valuable, the most important thing in your life, THIS REALITY OF DIVINE LOVE AND GRACE TOWARDS YOU, PERSONALLY; that you may share in God’s promise, in Christ’s salvation, in the Holy Spirit’s renewing work.  When you grow up, young people, don’t push away His hand; don’t turn your back upon the good Shepherd, who laid down His life for you; don’t trample on His love, don’t treat Him with contempt, don’t neglect His blessing and His prayer.  If you do, you are a lost sheep, doomed to die.  But if you follow the Shepherd, He will guide you to springs of living water.  He will take care of you, always, in life and in death.

  1. Jesus and the parents

Jesus takes sides with the mothers over against the disciples.  He approves of their bringing their children to Him, “Let the children come to Me, and do not hinder them.” How great their joy must have been hearing these words!  Do you realize how privileged… how blessed we are, we and our children?  Jesus says this to you: “Let the children come to Me, and do not hinder them.”  WHAT DO YOU DO ABOUT IT?

Are you aware of the fact, that you can hinder your children from coming to Jesus?  Let me give you an example.  You can hinder your children from coming to Jesus if, for example, the practice of your life is not in accordance with your Christian faith.  If you SAY that you are a Christian, but in your daily life, as father, as mother, there is no humility, no love, no self-denial, no willingness to recognize your sins and shortcomings over against each other, then you hinder your children from coming to Jesus.  If you SAY that you are a Christian, but you do not keep your life free from love of money, on the contrary, all your striving is directed towards that aim to get money, and you are not a cheerful giver to the Lord, His Church and Kingdom, but grumbling you give little or nothing, then you hinder your children from coming to Jesus.  If you SAY that you are a Christian, but you are always full of loveless criticisms; you criticize the church, you criticize the office-bearers, you criticize your fellow-members, nobody and nothing is good, except you yourself, then you hinder your children from coming to Jesus.  If you SAY that you are a Christian, but you are dishonest, half-hearted, lukewarm, unfaithful, compromising with the world, you are enslaved to the TV., you expose your children to bad influences by letting them see and read everything, then you hinder your children from coming to Jesus.  How great is our responsibility, and how necessary it is to examine our ways, humbling ourselves before God.

Jesus wants our children to come to Him, for they belong to Him and to His flock, and what do we do?  Do we oppose Him?  Do we hinder our children?  What must we say when we have to give account to Him?

“Let the children come to Me!”  Do you bring your children to Jesus?  Not only on the day of their baptism, when you make such a solemn promise, when you take such a solemn oath, but every day again?  Mothers, do you tell your little ones about Jesus, the great Shepherd, the Saviour?  Do you read to them from the children’s bible?  Fathers, do you pray with and for your children?  Do you talk with them about Jesus’ sacrifice, His love, His blessing, His prayer?  About their privileges and their responsibilities?  Is your life an example of godliness?  Is there self-denying love in your home? …the willingness to help and serve each other?  Lead your children to Jesus by taking them with you to church.  Be faithful and dedicated.  Speak always with love about the church, for it is the church of the Lord Jesus.  Speak with love about your fellow-members; honour the office- bearers for Christ’s sake.  And if there is something wrong in your opinion, talk it over with those whose concern it is, with humility and love.  Use diligently the means God gives to instruct and train your children, and to have them instructed and trained: the catechism classes, the Christian day school, Sunday school or Saturday morning school, whatever is available; the Cadet and Calvinette Clubs, the Youth Clubs.  Do you talk with your children about the sermon at home?  Do you read the text, putting questions and explaining difficulties?  Do you teach them to listen in this way?  Do you show interest in what they have to learn, and in all their activities?  Our children see and hear us every day.  What do they see and hear?  Do they see Christ in us?  We should show them in our daily life how rich we are, because we belong to Christ and His church; how rich THEY are!  What joy it is to serve Him; what strength and comfort in all circumstances; what certain hope for the future!  I know we cannot convert our children.  But we are called to take them to Jesus every day.  Again, we must confess our sins: “Oh God, be gracious, forgive my sins; my sins committed against my children, committed against Thee.”  But then we may also take courage, for the Lord is faithful, He fulfils His promises, also to our children.  Jesus lays His hands on them: He blesses them; He prays for them.