Categories: Habakkuk, Old Testament, Word of SalvationPublished On: February 11, 2025
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Word of Salvation – Vol.26b No.05 – November 1980


When Trusting Becomes Difficult


Sermon by Rev. Adrian Leenman Th.Grad. on Habakkuk 3:17-18

Scripture Reading: Mat. 6:19–34

Psalter Hymnal: 51; 153; 170; 43; 490


Beloved Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ,

The history of mankind is full of interesting periods of time.

It shows that there have been times of great prosperity and wealth, as well as times of progress and advancement.  The history of mankind also shows that there have been times of decline and retreat, times of losses and standstill.  It is indeed interesting to read up on mankind’s ‘golden ages’ as well as its ‘dark ages’.  History books fill us in on the fact that centres of civilisation have either been moved or removed;

Cultures have been replaced either by other cultures or no culture at all.  This happened for instance at the beginning of the dark ages, so from around 500 A.D. to 1100 A.D. – six centuries wherein little or no significant progress was made in any way, at best, things remained static…!  In other areas definite decline in morality, scholarship and achievements took place over these centuries.

Old Testament history tells us also about ‘golden days’ and prosperous times, like the era of the United Kingdom under the rule of Kings David and Solomon.

It is during and after Solomon’s rule that decline set in.  Slowly, but surely things began to deteriorate, down to the deepest spiritual decline and the worst form of decay.  One of the results of this was that God became very angry and displeased; God announced through His prophets that the Babylonians would be roused and carry away the Lord’s people.  With that, a very low point would be reached in the history of the Nation of Israel, the beginning of a ‘dark age’….!  The actual Babylonian Captivity lasted for 70 years.  Beyond the 70 years lay almost 4 centuries of silence – silence on God’s part – yes, this was in store for the Nation of Israel…!  It was a long silence to be broken by choirs of Angels on that first Christmas night.

Today (this morning) we want to be encouraged and comforted by what prophet Habakkuk says by way of the words of our text.  What then were the times like, when Habakkuk prophesied?  Well, Habakkuk lived at a time when the country was governed by wicked Kings and when injustice and corruption at all levels was the ‘in-thing’.

Is it not comforting to know, congregation, that God in critical times raises up prophets – spokesmen from God – prophets who appeared when things are at low ebb, when there is decline and standstill?  We see this happen all along in Bible History, the fact that God gives distinct proof of His love and care by sending prophets and spokesmen to reveal God’s will…!  Even to the extent that in critical times such prophets double up and overlap…..!

The message of such prophets is then all-important.  We even see other details fall away in order to let the MESSAGE BE LOUD AND CLEAR.  Habakkuk is an example of this.  Additional information as to the person is very scanty.  The names of his father and mother are unknown nor is his place of birth recorded.  The only detail we have is that he was of the tribe of Levi and, yes, he was a Temple singer.  As to his message, Habakkuk’s aims are very positive and clear.  He agitates against prevailing social injustice, against political corruption, violence, strife, the slackness of the Law, moral decline and spiritual poverty – the whole caboodle.

Are not these subjects mentioned here, familiar to you?  What the prophet objects against and asks questions about ARE THE VERY SAME TOPICS SOCIETY IS OR OUGHT TO BE STRUGGLING WITH.

Imagine, issues raised by a prophet who lived as far back as 620 B.C. – they all have a very familiar ring.  Most of these subjects are before your and my eyes in print, or on the TV screen almost every day…..!!  Take for instance social injustice, it can be very real, even in our Westernised land.  Many people around us are hurt by social injustice.

We are also acquainted with the devastating results political corruption has.  Violence has almost become an everyday term among people.  Industrial disputes, demonstrations and protest marches have become almost accepted things in our day and age.  So, as far as the nature of the difficulties go, Habakkuk tells us nothing new.  However, there is something very unusual in all this, it is THE STRUGGLE Habakkuk has WITH THE GOD OF ISRAEL ON BEHALF OF HIS PEOPLE……!

Out of despair and frustration Habakkuk asks questions, he asks the Lord:-‘Why is all this going on O Lord; how long shall I cry for help? (Chapter 1:2).  Destruction and violence are before me all day long and the heavens seem to be shut.  When God does speak (1:5,6) the reply is very disturbing.  God says: ‘Yes, I will raise up the Babylonians (or Chaldeans) they will over-run the country, they will plunder and destroy and devour to no end.”

This is a very serious matter, the more so seeing that the recovery and re- construction rate in those days was slow with only primitive tools and ways on hand.  Habakkuk could foresee all the consequences this would have.  He could foresee that agricultural production and the country’s economy would not only come to a grinding halt, BUT BE DESTROYED, and years of poverty and misery were surely waiting.  There would be no figs on the trees, no grapes on the vines, figs and grapes being the equivalent to some of our primary products.  When it comes to herds and cattle, well, Habakkuk prophecies that they will not be found in the folds nor in the stables what a predicament to be in for an agricultural Nation with slow ways of recovery…….!!

Maybe you at times do experience something like that.  O no, you don’t have to be a farmer or a herdsman to see this happen.  You can experience this in YOUR HOME……!
…when there is no happiness among the members of the family,
…when love in the home has been reduced to a far flung ideal,
…when there is depression because of sin,
…when there are clouds because of disobedience,
…when there is no progress or profit in the business,
…when we feel so tired and gain so little.

Experiencing this on a personal level is upsetting; but to see this happen on a national scale is much more disturbing…. that’s what Habakkuk saw and it pertained to all of Judah……!  All this was immanent in respect to the people of Israel – this would soon happen to God’s chosen people.

Prophet Amos, in Chapter 3: 1 and 2 points to the tragedy of the decline when he says: “Hear this word which the Lord has spoken against you, sons of Israel, against the entire family which He brought up from the land of Egypt; YOU ONLY have I chosen of all the families of the earth therefore, because of your disobedience and apostasy, I will punish you for all your iniquities.”  What a vast change had come over the Nation.  So much of its former glory had vanished; earlier fame had disappeared.  Instead of ruling lands and States outside Canaan like the Nation did in Solomon’s days, it had all come to an end

The Nation at large was about to experience the beginning of a dark age……!  At this crucial time Habakkuk functions as prophet.  No, he was not a politician, not an economist – he was a spokesman from God to Judah, a spokesman who was very much aware of what was going on around him.  In chapter 1 Habakkuk gives a vivid description of what the Babylonians are known for, and how they would cover the country; he also mentions some of the prevailing ailments of society.  This does indicate that Habakkuk was well aware of the weals and the woes of the Nation.  At the same time we see in Habakkuk a man of Faith – although the country is going to be robbed of its herds and harvests, although poverty and grief is awaiting the people, the prophet says: YET I WILL REJOICE IN THE LORD yes, indeed this is the language of Faith.

In similar circumstances we so often react not only differently, perhaps contrary to Habakkuk.  When we meet with disturbing news or deep seated problems, we would not readily say: ‘Yet I will rejoice in the Lord……!’ We would perhaps be more ready to isolate ourselves from fellowman or move away from a relationship with God.  We would perhaps isolate ourselves from sources of encouragement and comfort.

Although Habakkuk is greatly distressed because of the news he received about the Babylonians, he is not overtaken by constant despair.  Instead, in chapter 2:1 he says: ‘I will stand on my guard-post and station myself on a look-out tower and WAIT FOR WHAT GOD WILL SAY TO ME……!  In other words: Habakkuk prepared himself to WAIT FOR THE LORD….!  From his new observation post he waited in Faith.  Here we see a man who in his despair cries out: ‘How long, O Lord, will I cry for help?’ and who yet prepares himself to receive further instructions and details of what is coming.  The prophet would soon have two aspects of God’s message emphasised.  In the first place, the fact that the Babylonians will indeed come, and in the second place, that the invading forces themselves are doomed because of their sin.

Habakkuk is firmly convinced of the fact that God is in perfect control of the situation; God encourages Habakkuk by equating the Babylonians with ‘the proud whose soul is not right within him’ in contrast to ‘the righteous who lives by Faith’.  Do you still remember that, earlier in chapter two, Habakkuk had manned his ‘lookout post’ watching and waiting to see what God would make known to him?  The discoveries Habakkuk makes and the prayer he prays are full of adoration to God…. the early verses of chapter 3 speak of God’s Majesty and glory, of God’s Divine power and the wisdom of His ways..!!!

The prophet ascribes a number of perfections to God and states that God has absolute power over all Nations and creatures.  This God is without limits; this God cannot be ignored not rejected…..!

If anyone of you would take the time to lift out these perfections of God, and put them side by side, you too, would readily see what God says and does.  In that way you extract sublime thoughts about God AND DWELL ON THEM….. REJOICE IN THEM………!

However, you are not likely to do this when you feel drained of energy and when you have met with recent losses and setbacks, are you?  You are not likely to do this when you awaiting disturbing results or when confronted with a problem situation which is not likely to change.  Or when you are unhappy with the job or when business profits are minimal while expenditure sky-rockets.  When things at home are tense, when the marriage relationship is extremely touchy, is not the time you rejoice.  You and I do not differ greatly from one another on this score, but we DO DIFFER A LOT FROM HABAKKUK of whom we read that he took up a ‘look-put’ position instead of a ‘lock-out’ place……!!  HE EXPECTED THE LORD TO SPEAK TO HIM…… He prayed a prayer wherein he exalts the Name of God VERY DISTINCTLY….!

Yet, his circumstances had not changed one bit.  Nevertheless, Habakkuk says: ‘No matter what’s going to happen: THE LORD IS IN HIS HOLY TEMPLE……..!’

In spite of what people plot and plan……!  In spite of what they say and scheme, Habakkuk says: ‘Let the earth be silent before Him…. and is not that, congregation, the language of Faith?

Habakkuk says: ‘Lord, all Your work I fear – as the years move on, Lord, renew that work – make it known Lord, even in your anger – because of Israel’s backsliding Lord, in Your anger, remember to be merciful…..!  Again, things had not changed in respect to the Nation, nor had the threats of the Babylonians been withdrawn….!  There were to be NO figs, or grapes or cattle or herds, ‘Yet,’ says Habakkuk, ‘I will rejoice in the Lord I will trust in the God of my Salvation.’

Notice: He says the God of MY salvation – it has that personal touch: MY salvation….!! pointing to the promise of salvation still to be fulfilled.

In New Testament times the promise has been fulfilled in and through the coming of the Lord Jesus.  However, you may still experience that there is no fruit in your life, NO harvest, NO joy.  Maybe the Lord has placed a cross on your shoulders.  If this is so, can you still say: ‘I climb the tower, so that I may rise above all my difficult circumstances and REJOICE IN THE LORD.  You may still praise God for His greatness and believingly say: LET ALL THE EARTH KEEP SILENCE BEFORE HIM..

Allowing for no figs, no grapes, no herds, can you yet say: silently- privately: ‘Yet I rejoice in the Lord, I will be glad in the Lord of my salvation’?  Salvation worked by the Lord Jesus, Who loves to be the King and Lord of your life…….!.  When reading how the Son of God came into the world, then we come across a number of negatives: there was NO cradle, NO home, NO security, NO riches, and in later life: NO recognition, NO acceptance, NO justice done to Jesus, NO human support for Him, NO miraculous support for Him either.  Yet, He wants to be your Lord and Saviour.  He will steady you and cause you to trust Him; this does not mean that your cross is removed, BUT IT WILL BECOME BEARABLE………!

Habakkuk’s relationship with God meant true companionship and friendship.  In spite of adverse circumstances he would WAIT ON THE LORD AND HOLD HIS GROUND

The Lord Jesus provides you and me with the same truths, namely the truth of His unchanging love, His sacrificial death…….!  Remember also this: All the negatives pertaining to Jesus’ life DID BECOME POSITIVES for those who believe on His Name.
… He had no place of His own – He gives you heavenly citizenship.
… He was not recognised, but you are registered with the Father in Heaven.
… He had no sin, so that Jesus may bring you into the Kingdom of God.

Or do you still want to major on the difficulties in your life?  Do turn to the God of Israel, Habakkuk saw in the God of Israel then already ‘a radiance like that of the sun.’


ASK HIM for strength to carry on from day to day even when you do face empty places and experience the results of sad losses.

One day – on the Last Day – there will be no more darkness or pain or grief – BUT COMPLETION, FULNESS, PERFECTION.

All this because of the faithfulness of God demonstrated in and through the work of the Lord Jesus…..!!
