Categories: 1 Peter, Confessions, Heidelberg Catechism, New Testament, Word of SalvationPublished On: January 29, 2025
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Word of Salvation – Vol.25 No.32 – May 1979


A Privileged People Who Proclaim God’s Excellencies


Sermon by Rev. Adrian Leenman Th.Grad. on 1Peter 2:9 & Lord’s Day 12

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1

Psalter Hymnal: 156; 164 (Law); 171; 394; 488


Beloved Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ,

There is a Military Academy in Duntroon, which is situated near Canberra.
This Academy trains a relatively small number of young and promising men as future military Commanders
These young men are selected carefully from a large number of Students of Tertiary Standard.
The training programme includes subjects such as Political Science, Economics, and of course those associated with any military training.
Moreover, they are trained by those who are highly qualified as tutors and instructors.
Indeed, these young men are a privileged people, who, in time to come, will hopefully reflect the fact that they have gone through the best training available.
And, congregation, can you see a parallel between the Duntroon boys and the thrust of the words of our text?

Of course we realise that a comparison is not valid in all respects, and yet there are some points which the Duntroon boys have in common with 1Peter 2:9.

Let us lift out some points which bring this out;

When it comes to NUMBERS, well, these young men are few, and SO IS THE NUMBER OF BELIEVERS.

These young men are selected FROM AMONG MANY and so are believers,

They are ‘owned’ by the Government, and the believer is GOD’S OWN POSSESSION..!!!

They bring out what the best Instructors have taught them, and the believer PROCLAIMS THE EXCELLENCIES OF GOD…!

There is more to it…!  The Heidelberg Catechism devotes Lord’s Day 12 to SHOWING THE BASIS on which the believer may show forth the excellencies of God, and that basis is THE ANOINTING OF CHRIST… to which the believer is LINKED BY FAITH

Indeed, believers are God’s privileged people because of God’s initiative to ESTABLISH A COVENANT WITH PEOPLE .

It is God Who spoke to Adam and said: ‘From any tree of the Garden you may eat freely.’ (Gen.2:16)

It is God Who spoke to Noah, saying: ‘Enter the Ark, you and all your household.’ (Gen.7:1)

It is God who spoke to Abraham and said: ‘Walk before Me and be blameless and I will establish My Covenant between you and Me.’ (Gen.17:1,2)

It is God Who in the pre-amble of the Ten Commandments says: ‘I am the LORD YOUR GOD who delivered you from Egypt.’

So we see that God takes the initiative when it comes to His dealings with man; it is for that reason that believers are a CHOSEN RACE, A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD AND A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR GOD’S OWN POSSESSION…!

But all this is not meant as an end in itself.  We are not a chosen race, FULL STOP. but we are ALL THIS SO THAT WE MAY PROCLAIM THE EXCELLENCIES OF GOD..!

We all know that we need TOOLS to do any kind of work, we must have the EQUIPMENT;
Lord’s Day 12 tells us how God the Father
equipped His Son the Lord Jesus Christ
for the function of MEDIATOR,

This equipping took place by way of ANOINTING. . . and we are going to have a closer look at the idea of anointing

The Old Testament provides us with valuable information on the purpose of anointing.

It tells us that anointing took place in respect to objects and persons.

In Gen.31:13 we find the earliest reference to anointing, where Jacob anoints a pillar.

In Lev.8:30 we read that Aaron the High Priest and his garments were anointed with oil and through this Aaron was CONSECRATED to service to God.

The prophet Elijah anointed his successor Elisha (1Ki.19:16 ).  The anointing of the Kings of Israel is a clear indication of them being equipped and empowered by the Spirit of God… FOR SERVICE.

So we see that Anointing symbolises receiving the Spirit of God, and oil – usually olive oil – being the external token of it, and applied to either objects or persons.

The Bible shows that the idea of anointing was also applied to Jesus Himself.  In Luke 3:21, 22 we read about the event of Jesus’ Baptism and God the Father anoints the Son and so EQUIPS Him and SENDS THE HOLY SPIRIT in the form of a Dove descending on Jesus.

Here, in the case of Jesus Himself, the Spirit descends in a new and superior way, NOT HAVING OIL AS THE SYMBOL, BUT THE HOLY SPIRIT HIMSELF IN THE FORM OF A DOVE.

When we compare the Old Testament occasions where anointing took place, then we notice indeed that distinct difference.

A difference quite in line with the fact that the O.T. ‘foreshadowed’ a greater work to be performed by Christ. . . !

Anointing oil and sacrifices and ceremonial Laws were symbols pointing to SOMETHING GREATER, something SUPERIOR, something which was still to come.

So in Jesus’ anointing we see this being fulfilled. . . . ! !

Through Christ’s coming we see a fulfilment take place,
– a fulfilment which the O.T. priesthood had portrayed for centuries
– a fulfilment which the OT. prophets predicted
– a fulfilment of which the OT. Kings were shadows.

Anointing of O.T. figures equipped them for some function within the framework of the History of Redemption.

Christ’s anointing was a verification of what He from all eternity was destined for.
O.T. anointing had a definite starting point,
– Christ’s anointing is basically, from all eternity,
O.T. anointing facilitated the work of Redemption
– Christ is Redemption Himself . . . . ! !
O.T. anointing took place to equip for ONE function
– Christ’s anointing embraced the three-fold function of Prophet Priest and King

It is through Faith in Christ that the believer is linked with Him,

It is through Faith that the believer partakes also in the 3-fold function Christ has, namely the Office of Prophet, Priest and King.

Let us consider what the place and function is of the Prophet.

Most of us will recall that a Prophet is a spokesman of God to man;
He receives Revelation and passes on Revelation.

The Prophet’s message may be one of warning, or comfort or prediction and has always a bearing on the Plan of Redemption.

When considering the function of Christ as Prophet, then His function is so much superior and climaxing even. . . . !

God spoke through His Son in a supreme and final way, as we read in Hebrews 1:1, 2: ‘In these last days God has spoken TO US IN HIS SON….!’

It is a glorious thought to remember that the Designer of the Plan of Salvation had finally to fully reveal AND EXECUTE THAT PLAN. ..! !

To us, New Testament believers, that entire Plan has been revealed and unfolded.  Seeing that, through Faith in Christ, LINKS THE BELIEVER and makes him share in that Prophetic Office;

We, as Christians are acquainted with the message of Salvation, we have accepted that message by Faith and therefore are BOUND TO PASS IT ON.

The Christian is to create ways and means which promote and advance that message and so function AS PROPHETS, just as truly as a former apprentice is eager to compete with the qualified tradesman who taught him.

Being a true Prophet calls for a faithful portraying of the work of Christ Who was anointed for that work.

It is the Holy Spirit Who through a living Faith and a loving relationship with the Master DOES EQUIP HIS PEOPLE FOR THE TASK OF PROPHET..!

Such a believer-Prophet will view the Church NOT as a convalescent Home, NOR as a Motel, but as an Army Camp whose soldiers are ready to re-gain lost Church territory, domains which have been overrun by the forces of sin and unbelief.

In that way does the Church through its Member-Prophets show AND LIVE the Way of Salvation to a doomed and dying race.

When turning to the function of Christ as a Priest, we see the same pattern emerge; the function of the priest in the Old Testament had also a bearing on the work of Salvation, the priest work was to CLEAR THE WAY OF SALVATION.

In order to do that work, the priest would INTERCEDE on behalf of man TO God.

The priests were to bring sacrifices TO God on behalf of man and so CLEAR THE WAY TO GOD. . . !  !

The O.T. Priesthood was a continuous emphasis on DEATH, THE DEATH OF ANIMALS brought as sacrifices AND THE FLOWING OF BLOOD IN ORDER TO ATONE…!

With the coming of Christ as the perfect High Priest, things had become gloriously different – GLORIOUSLY because through Christ’s perfect sacrifice the believer has now immediate access to God the Father through the death of His Son, Christ Jesus.

GLORIOUSLY DIFFERENT also because the Risen Lord makes continuous intercession for the believer.

On the other hand, something TRAGIC took place, the believer has been redeemed through the death of God’s dear Son – the spotless Lamb of God.

Is then the New Testament believer also a Priest?

Yes, he is; the Heidelberg Catechism says that you and I may present ourselves as LIVING THANK-OFFERINGS, because of what Christ has done for us

Just as you would continually go out of your way for the person who has willed his Estate or Property to you..!

In like manner the Christian ought to be overwhelmed continuously with the greatness and the glory of Christ’s sacrificial work through which a HEAVENLY KINGDOM COMES TO HIM.

This thought ought to ‘make me love God as the Angels love’ as the well-known Hymn says it.  A love so real that it becomes a holy passion, so that one is ready to let one’s heart be an altar and God’s love the flame.

Lord’s Day 12 also mentions that Christ as High Priest intercedes for us with the Father, and is it not a comforting thought to know that we as believers are being recommended BY Jesus TO the Father?

When a very important case is taken to Court then Barristers of the highest reputation are called in, and even then these are only fallible men.

But you and I have Someone intercede for us WHO IS THE SINLESS SON OF GOD Who has been given all power and glory and dominion and Who verifies to the Father that you and I have been REDEEMED BY HIM. . ! ! ! !

– Defending us before the Throne of God,
– Screening our prayers of thanksgiving and petition.

If we firmly believe this, congregation, then we should have no difficulties, in interceding for those around us.

We are often so ready to enumerate the faults and the flaws and failures of so-and-so, but how ready are we to intercede, in private, for those whom we call ‘far gone’ or ‘well and truly moving downhill’ perhaps even to the extent that we call such people ‘write-offs’ ? ?

Remember, the Lord Jesus came down to earth as the perfect High Priest to atone for the ‘write-offs’ yes, anyone who places his or her trust in Him.

The believer is, as a priest, also called to be a blessing: Do you know what it means to be a blessing to others?

It may mean that you be asked to sacrifice some of your time and spend it with someone in need of friendship, or in need of love.

It could mean that you begin to share that which others do not have.  Or take someone or some family to a place they cannot get to themselves – by doing things like these, we show ourselves as Priests.  Servants of God who show that the way of Salvation has been cleared by way of a ‘once-and-for-all’ perfect sacrifice.

There is one more Office to be considered: It is the third one, that of King. This Office is linked with the idea of power and glory and ALSO the knowledge that the way of Salvation is KEPT

As we saw earlier, the Israelite Kings were anointed as an indication of God’s approval and of being set aside for special Service and of receiving the Spirit of God.

The Israelite Kings provide us with the ‘shadow-form’ of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  Especially Kings David and Solomon at the time of the United Kingdom showed not only much Royal Splendour and beauty, but also the fruits of being obedient.

When considering Christ as King, then we are naturally reminded of Him being the Son of the Most High.  This was already predicted by Isaiah who said:
‘There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace. (Isa 9:7)

And was not the scene of Jesus’ birth surrounded by Royal splendour?  Think of the gifts the Wise Men brought and the voices of the Angelic Choir, they brought Honour and Glory to the new-born KING in spite of great simplicity and many every day aspects of Jesus’ birth.

This Lord Jesus had come to, yes, to show the Way of Salvation and the CLEAR THE WAY OF SALVATION and also, through Kingly power, KEEP THE WAY OF SALVATION….!!

And this Anointed Christ rules through His Word and Spirit.
Did you hear that?  WORD and SPIRIT are kept together.

The Word, which is the History of Salvation; however, this Word needs to be understood, believed in and APPLIED, and that is the gracious work of the Holy Spirit.

Christ rules in heaven and defends and preserves those who are His.

There is yet another Office which is older, it is also PRIMARY: It is the Office of Believer, which makes one a member of Christ.  Once that is understood, then we can readily see that the three Offices of Prophet, Priest and King ARE DERIVED FROM THE OFFICE OF BELIEVER.

Once that is understood, then we see that Christ’s Offices and the believer’s Offices are linked through Faith..!


When Christ died – – He finished a work FOR THE BELIEVER.

When Christ rose again, He was the firstborn of the dead

There are those among us who have a rather superficial view of these three Offices.

You will remember that a PROPHET is a spokesman from God to man.

Are you truly a PRIEST by continuously sacrificing some of your time and talents
realising that Christ GAVE EVERYTHING,

Are you a KING in your daily life,
giving evidence of the fact that you are going to inherit an Eternal Kingdom?
And that you belong to the King of Kings?

We are so privileged; much more privileged than the Duntroon young men who are being trained for future top functions.

YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN, you may reflect the Priesthood and its blessings; you are a sanctified people; YOU BELONG TO THE LORD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH !!

Make sure, though, that you TRULY PROCLAIM THE EXCELLENCIES OF GOD by way of the Offices of Prophet, Priest and King
